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Hello all you lovely people that have read my book cause there is quite a few (still so unreal that there is!)

I have started on my second book, the sequel to this book called The Fall and if you want to continue the story then please go give it a read.

Again, I will be roughly using events from the plot of the TV show but I have already added a new aspect by adding a new location not featured in the show.

And I promise there will be wayyyyy more Bellarke (I hope) in the next book than there was in this one! Below is a few lines from different section on Chapter 1... enjoy :)


"What is this...?" I ask, looking at the faces that surrounded me.

I had no idea if my friends were alive or dead. No idea if we had won or lost the war... No idea if Bellamy Blake was still living and breathing the once fresh air.


I fell onto the floor, the warm grains filling my mouth and getting in my eyes.

"Giving up are we, Sky girl?" The mocking voice of Hollis echoed above me.

I waited for a moment, my face against the warm sand before I jumped up and grabbed Hollis' arm, pulling it behind his back and pushing him to the floor.


I fought against the guards as they pulled me down a large corridor, concrete above, below and to the sides of me. My toes dragged against the cold stone once I had given up my fight.


I opened my eyes slowly, I was met by aches all across my body. My face was pressed against a cold metal slab and it took a moment for me to clear the blur that was across my vision.

"Ah Bellamy, I'm glad you're awake" I blinked a few times before sitting up and looking at my surroundings. It was a tent, like the ones we had back at camp. And I thought I was in camp before I remembered that it was burnt to dust. 

They were all gone. I was alone in the world once more.

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