24. Goodbye Bellamy Blake

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"Clarke careful!" I shouted as I ran towards her, she was crouched down and about to dip her fingers into a puddle of hydrazine. "It might look cool, but it's not pretty when it goes boom... look watch!"

I picked up a small stone on the floor, throwing it at one of the fuel tanks, watching as it erupted into flames.

"And that's going to happen to the Grounders...?" Bellamy asked as he stood behind Clarke and I.

"Sure is... man am I looking forward to this one." I chuckled as I got a large glass jar and started filling it with hydrazine. I remember a time I almost exploded the whole Ark, all because I was welding the wrong bit of metal... But there was nothing left of it, and I was still trying to come to terms with that fact.

"Barbecued Grounders... I like it." He chuckled as he walked away, stopping to look upon a charred arm with a leather bracelet around it... that arm had once belonged to someone, the bracelet had a story. But now it was left to rot... Kinda sad if you think about it.

Clarke came and stood next to me as I carefully screwed the metal cap on.

"At least it was quick and painless for them..." She muttered, trailing off. She was of course referring to Abby and Wick. I felt terrible for Clarke. Abby had become a mother-like figure to me, and I was devastated at her loss and I had only really known her for around a week. And as for Wick... I don't quite know how I was coping with it... It hurt like hell to know the one you loved now lay at your feet as a pile of ash.

I glanced over at Finn, who was drifting around the various pieces of ship by himself. I felt guilty for being with Wick whilst Finn was in containment... but there was always a side of Finn I never liked. His manipulative, lying and deceitful side that he seemed to show a lot more now that he was on the ground. Of course, he was thoughtful and sweet. But there was one time on The Ark that I will always remember.


I was in my small room that had a kitchen, bathroom and a bedroom all in one place. Finn sat on my bed whilst I watched myself in the mirror, tying my hair back.

"So I was wondering what you're doing, say, tomorrow night... I was thinking maybe we could go back to mine, turn down the lights. I stole an old movie from that store cupboard on B-deck in Arrow Station. I think it's called Grease or Oil or something... it said it's a musical one."

I sighed as I turned to face Finn, who was now sprawled across my bed.

"Okay. Number one, don't steal from there again... we're lucky that Cameron didn't hand us in last time. Number two, you know musicals are my least favourite type of old movies and Number three... I'm busy tomorrow night, sorry." I sighed again as I went and perched on the end on the bed by his feet, watching as his eyes narrowed.

"And what could you be doing tomorrow night that is more important than an illegal movie night?" He quizzed me.

"I told Wick that I would help him finish a cyber-router for the Earth Monitoring suite by tomorrow morning."

And before I even knew what was happening, Finn had pushed me up against the wall, his hands pressing my arms down so I was unable to move.

"Why are you always with this guy! Unbelievable... I would probably break the law for you and you'd go running off to Wick! I love you Raven... But I swear, if you're with him much more... I might just break the law for you and kill him myself!" He was shouting at me until there were tears streaming down my face. He let me go and grabbed his jacket before storming out of my room... only to then be completely fine the next day as if nothing had ever happened.

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