27. What Lies Within

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I opened my eyes, only to have my vision filled with the brightest white.

Is this heaven...

I remembered something that humans used to believe in before the war, they thought they would go to a promised land, a paradise of some sort... but if I was in heaven at that moment, I wasn't impressed with it.

I tried to sit up but I found my legs and hands were strapped down to a cold surface.

"Mom...?" I asked, wondering if she was around here with Wells, Finn and everyone else. I waited for a moment, getting no response as I looked into the endless white as it started to hurt my eyes and give me a headache.

There was suddenly a loud beep and I felt the hard surface I was on start to move, my head going backwards.
"Help!" I shouted... but my throat was dry and my plea barely sounded like a shout.

The white above me suddenly ended, and I was looking up to a grey ceiling.
I had no idea where I was... for all I knew, I was dead... that was until I heard a soft voice behind me.

"Hello Clarke, glad to see you're awake." The voice said, but it wasn't one I was familiar with.

I lifted my head slightly to look down my body. I wearing a soft hospital gown, and the hair I could see at the side of my face looked clean. I was lying on a white tray that had been pulled out of a large circular machine.

Two cold hands either side of me freed my arms from the restraints as I sat up, my head pounding... I spun around to see a woman with dark skin and dark curly hair looking at me.
"Where am I?" I asked, examining the room I was in, the white washed walls and small monitors placed around the room.

"Do we have you tell you again?" She said, shaking her head as if it were obvious. I felt the hands and my feet and I turned to see a man in a suit jacket undoing the restraints on my legs.

"What do you mean... again?" I tried not the let the concern in my voice show.

The woman laughed lightly to herself before placing her hand on my shoulder.
"We told you yesterday, and the day before, and the day before that Clarke. I think the drugs are affecting your memory."

I looked between her and the man, she still didn't give me the straight answer I wanted.
"Where the hell am I?" I asked, my anger rising up inside of me.

"You're in Mount Weather... you offered to be part of our experiments so we could return to the ground too... Clarke, you're here because you wanted to be." The man spoke up as he adjusted his weight on his feet, almost like he was hiding something.

I never wanted to be here... I thought I was dead, the last thing I remembered was Bellamy calling my name before I died...


I would never offer to be part of experiments, and I didn't know how I got into Mount Weather anyway...

I thought of Bellamy, his body close to mine, his lips fighting mine as we kissed, his arms that held me so tightly. I wondered if he was still alive, or if he had died in the war that we were supposed to fight sometime soon.

"What are you experimenting on me...?" I asked as I turned to the woman, noticing a badge on her white lab coat, it read 'Dr. Tsing'

"Well" she gestured to the man who had a serious look upon his face.
"Cage and I think that with your bone marrow, we can return to the ground once more. You're very special to us Clarke... I hope you know that."

She then picked up a small drill as the man who I knew as Cage forced me back down, holding me to the tray I was on. The drill started to buzz as it neared my body

Suddenly the door burst open and guards filled the room, an old man following behind them.
"Dr Tsing what is this..." The old man asked as the drill lightly touched my skin

"Dr Tsing... you took this patient out of quarantine before we had authorized it, and all so you could butcher her..."

What the hell is wrong with these people.

Actually completed this wow haha... I know it might seem like it is following the show but I am trying not to make it similar and I am excited for the second book :) hooray
If you feel like recommending this to anyone then do go ahead ;)


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