4. Understanding

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It had been one whole week since Rohan had died in the forest. Since then we had built a wall surrounding the camp, made from pieces and panels of the dropship. It was at least 5 meters high and I was certain that nothing could get over it.

Admittedly, I had probably worked everyone in this camp to death... but it had to be done.

By now we had removed 78 metal wristbands, hoping The Ark would think we were dead... but some were just too stubborn to follow. Clarke and her friend Wells especially.

It was near dusk when I stepped out the dropship, after chatting with Clarke about what should be done... Collectively, we had 0 ideas. 0 plans. We needed some, and fast.

Clarke kind of became a second leader, she was clever and had an immense knowledge of the ground... plus she wasn't bad to look at either. But that last one didn't matter. Really.

As I looked around me, everyone was exhausted. Some lay sleeping on logs, others just slept on the dirt, desperate for a bit of peace... We had no food left, we had run out two days previously, and the strain was finally starting to show; no one dared to leave the safety of the camp... but enough was enough. If we couldn't eat then we couldn't survive.

"Clarke!" I called behind me into the dropship, summoning her out. She soon hurried out to join me. I told her we needed more food otherwise we would probably die from hunger. I told her to gather a team to go out... she immediately suggested Finn, which sent a jolt of jealousy running through me. Sure he was a good tracker for having never tracked anything in his life, but I don't think he needed to be at Clarke's side every five minutes.

I was anxious to let Clarke and the others leave... losing a leader would be too much for the camp to cope with.


We had to find food, a group of us ventured outside the walls for the first time in a week. Wells insisted he had to come, which I wasn't happy about. Finn was tracking for us, and he was doing a pretty lame job of it. But I had faith we would find something. Eventually.

We came across the wild meadow I had found when we first landed and it was still as beautiful as the last time. I wanted to sit in the tall grass, letting the wind blow away my feelings. But as always... I had a job to do, people to protect.

I had kind of become a second leader alongside Bellamy, people respected my judgement yet the respected Bellamy's power. And I knew that.

We hunted for at least an hour and we were rather successful in doing so. I walked back to camp beside Finn, several birds and rabbits slung over his shoulder. We laughed and chatted for a while before the ground took its toll on us once again.

It all happened so quickly, the whistling of the arrows. The cry of pain from Wells before experiencing that very pain myself in my shoulder. I fell to the floor as the pain radiated through me, Finn turned back and tried to sling me over his free shoulder before I commanded him to take Wells instead. His cries of pain told me that he was in far worse circumstances than I. Plus I didn't want anyone's blood on my hands... I already had Rohan's and Wells meant to much to me for him to die.

We all ran through the gate and into camp, I still had the arrow in my shoulder but I ignored it as I saw Wells' limp body being dragged by Finn.

"Into the dropship now!" I shouted ahead at Finn.

Clearly, this scene had caused a commotion as Bellamy jogged towards me, starting at the full arrow in my shoulder.

"Clarke! What happened! Were you shot...?" He said, desperately.

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