14. Unknown Whereabouts

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The grounder had looked after me for what I think was a day... he had removed my gag, fed me and gave me water. He tried to fix my wrists but I wouldn't let him, I still wanted Clarke safe. He was constantly leaving me to go somewhere and then to return a few hours later.

Five times... he has left me five times.

He entered the cave once more, trying to cautiously approach me to heal my red raw wrists but I backed against the wall... ready to kick if he took a step closer. He hadn't uttered a word since he told Clarke to be quiet... and I wasn't going to wait much longer in the knowledge she could be suffering.

"Where's Clarke?" I commanded, looking up at the man who had now stood up to stare down at me.

He looked at me silently, not giving me any sign.

"Please, if you don't go and help her, then let me go. Please..." I was desparate now, and at least if I got out then I could get help. I had to help her somehow.

He took a deep breath in before leaving me once more.

I screamed as loud as I could, ignorant to whether anyone came or not.


I had completely forgotten that I kept a small blade in my back pocket, and I was hopeful that the grounders hadn't taken it away from me.

I stood up with my hands still tied to the wall. As I turned around, my back hunched trying desperately to use my restrained hands to get the blade.

"Shit..." I muttered as it fell out my pocket to the floor below, catching my hand and making a small cut on my thumb. I sat back down on my knees, bending forward to pick it up with my teeth, getting moss and dirt in my mouth in the process. There was only one way I could use the blade, and I held it over the rope, frantically moving my head back and forward, pressing the blade as hard as I could into the rope.

It finally fell of, meaning I had mobility of my hands once more.

"Yes!" I shrieked after spitting the blade and the dirt out my mouth.

I swiftly untied the thick rope tied round my ankles and started to walk. At first, I struggled as my legs were stiff from not moving but I was soon running through the cave halls coming across a small hole covered in vines.

This is it... I will be back Clarke, I promise.

I looked back behind me before shuffling into the small hole, reaching for the daylight on the other side. I fell onto the leafy floor as I escaped the hole and started to sprint into the woods, hoping I was going in the right direction. The adrenaline coursing through my body in that moment meant I wasn't scared and I kept running.

I felt tears streaming down my cheeks as the wind from my running swept them off my face.

Before I realised, I had run into the chest of someone, knocking me off my feet. I let out a whimper as I fell only to look up and see the face of Jasper looking down at me

"Octavia...?" He asked, as if I was only a vision.

"Jasper!" I jumped up, throwing myself around him. He hesitated for a moment before he holding me tightly.

"Bellamy!" He called, echoing through the woods.

"We've been searching for ages, this is the third day... where were you?" he asked slightly concerned. Before I could reply, a force picked me up from behind. I didn't have to look who it was.

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