26. The War

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Monty lay sleeping next to me as I finally figured out and connected all the wires together… I didn’t realised how long I had been down there before my eyes started drooping and my hands started to become lazy and fumbling over the wires.
“Monty…” I yawned, shaking him till he woke.
We crawled out of the cramped space, stretching our backs as we examined the night sky… but it wasn’t night, the moon was approaching the horizon which meant the sun was set to rise soon, meaning we would be faced with a fight in less than a few hours.

We went into both the tents and the dropship, watching as people looked up with tired eyes… one girl who was about 15, clutching onto a small piece of cloth as if it were a teddy.

We’re just kids...

We were just kids, no one older than 18 here, expect Bellamy. And as kids, we were preparing to go into battle. It was insane how twisted the world could be… we had all lost so much by coming down to Earth, and we still had so much to lose... But none of us were prepared to let it slip away so quickly. And that was the difference between the Grounders and us. We weren’t doing it for the victory or the fact it was war, we were doing it because we needed each other and we weren’t willing to let all we had disappear. At least I wasn’t anyway.

I pushed through the group of busy teens who were gathering weapons and heading to their posts… each post had a walkie talkie that I had built when Clarke had been kidnapped and Bellamy was out looking for her.

I anxiously stepped into Bellamy’s tent, my eyes falling upon a relaxed figure in the bed, his face and bare chest shining with sweat, the blankets tangled in between his limbs. I approached him slowly, calling his name. He made me jump as he started thrashing around in his bed, his normally hard face filled with fear as he called Clarke’s name.
His eyes burst open filled with fear, then with regret as they crossed my face and his body relaxed.
“Hey listen…” I started, beginning to tell him the plan before he cut me off.

“Look, I know what’s happening. I heard your speech last night.” He sat up and pulled his shirt over his head as he prepared to be the leader we all needed.

“Bellamy… Octavias’s gone. She left to go to the sea with Lincoln. She said you will understand her choice and she told me she has faith in you… She had to leave suddenly last night… I’m sorry.”

“No.” He grunted as he stood up, growing taller than me, taking a deep breath as he swiped for his gun, securing it around his body.
“The Grounders will be sorry that they ever decided to mess with us.”



I walked to the entrance of the tunnel with Monroe, Atom and Harper, staring into the darkness.

“Fuck sake… alright let’s do this.” I said as I walked slightly ahead of them into the tunnel, only to hit a wall of the smell of metallic blood and rotting flesh. Harper started to choke, making loud gagging noises as if she were going to be sick.
“Hey Harper… can you die quietly, somewhere else where our lives won’t be put in danger cause of your weak gag reflex.” I hissed behind me, turning and shining the light in her eyes.

“Shut up Murphy, we all know you’re just as scared shitless as we are.” She spat back as she jogged to join the group. Atom then whispered into my ear, still slightly unsure of the plan.

I sighed before I told him what was happening. “Look, we will find these Reaper things and then we make loads of noise… then we run and hope they don’t eat us.” I shivered at the thought, the fact we were shuffling around the tunnels and hoping not to die filled me with hope and joy.

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