9. The Grounders

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I had fallen asleep with Raven in the dropship after we arrived back in the early hours of the morning. She was lying in a deep sleep on the metal bench, my head on her lap. I woke up just as the sun was starting to rise… soon the camp would wake up to discover me had gained a member, another mouth to feed, another life to protect…

I wonder how Bellamy will feel about this

I was still in awe about how she was here. I sat up and looked at her blood stained face… I was hoping Clarke would tend to it but she stayed at the crash site looking for things we could use around camp, and I guessed she was asleep in her tent.
I got up and grabbed a folded clean cloth and dipped it in the cool container of water, wringing it of any excess water. I tiptoed back over to where Raven lay and I gently started to dab the dry blood away from her head.
I had almost finished wiping it when Raven awoke, her eyes set on me immediately.

“Hello you.” She groaned as she sat up, taking in a long breath; getting used to the endless supply of oxygen.

“Hey, I cleaned you head… all better now. I still can’t believe you’re here!” I exclaimed.

“Neither can I…” before she continued she pushed her lips against mine, and I didn’t resist as I kissed her back.
“I’ve waited ages for this, it’s like a dream come true” she teased as she finally pulled away.
“Hey, what was that girl’s name you were with last night…?”

“Clarke? Yeah, it was her idea to come and find you in the first place.”

“Well I want to thank her, can I go get her?” she jumped off the bench and made for the door.

“Hang on, you do realise it is really early…? We actually have time down here!” I explained…
Being on The Ark, I was always night, so you were free to go to bed and eat whenever you wanted to, but now, on Earth… we had night and day, which was a concept even I struggled to get at first.

“Oh right yeah, haha, forgot about the whole Earth thing.” She laughed.
“You said everyone is asleep, so why not get to know each other again?” she said seductively as she winked at me.

“Not here Raven, oh my God, there are people sleeping on the second floor… but I know somewhere we can go.” And I pulled her out of the dropship and into my tent… desperate to feel the closeness of human skin once more.


I remained at Raven’s ship for another hour that night, stripping it bare of anything useful and then carrying my heavy bag back to camp, cautious of my surroundings at all times.

All the while I was walking back, I was thinking a number of things but only a few in particular…
Why didn’t Finn tell me about her?
Why and how is she here?
Does this mean all Finn and I had before was now gone, forever.

I decided that asking myself these questions in my mind would not get me any answers so I walked without thinking until I reached camp. I grabbed the knife and the rations from my bag and stuffed them into my belt. By then, the wind had calmed to a gentle breeze, but it still bit at my skin.
I grabbed a piece of crumpled paper and a stick of charcoal from my pocket, writing the words:
Make good use of this, do whatever you want but use it wisely – Clarke.
People would come outside in the following hours and find the bag, filled with things we could use around camp… to be honest, I didn’t really care for what they would do with the pieces that I found, but I needed to seem strong and responsible… That previous night though, I was as far from those words as I could be.
Crying in my tent over a boy didn’t make me strong. It didn’t make me responsible trying to fight myself about a boy. It was embarrassing, and I’m just glad no-one had heard me that night… as I would hate for anyone to see that I was weak.
But for a brief moment last night, whilst I was wallowing in my small problems… I felt as though someone was there, listening. I had walked towards the edge of the tent… hoping this person who was just beyond the canvas would comfort me. Before I realised there was no-one there.

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