5. Hallucinations and Moonshine

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I awoke early the next day, my arms folded around Clarke. At first, I worried about what had happened between us but I soon noticed that Clarke was fully dressed, I was half dressed and I then remembered everything. She had been crying, and I hated it... Even though I had only known her for a week and a few days, seeing her upset made me feel bad inside. Maybe it was because she was my fellow leader and seeing Clarke weak wasn't good enough, but I wasn't sure.

I looked at her face, all the pain, grief, anger and struggle had gone, and I was left with her peaceful looking face. I lay there for a few moments, looking upon her dainty features. So perfect, even in a place where we were faced with a new threat every day.

The sun had just risen and the air was still fresh. I decided to make the most of this morning, after all, being a leader is tough. And after being stuck on The Ark for years, you couldn't really say no to fresh air.

I slowly unfolded my arms and slipped out of bed, making sure I didn't wake Clarke. I reached for my t-shirt and jacket and quickly put them on... even though it was summer, the fresh air still nipped at my bare skin. Clarke shivered as I walked towards her, folding the blanket back over her, ensuring that I didn't hit her wound she had gained the day before.

The neck of her t-shirt was folded down, revealing the edge of the wound. She was sweating, but not from heat... she was drenched in cold sweat. I pulled her top along slightly to check on it. I was no medical expert unlike Clarke... but I knew something was wrong...

The skin around the wound had turned a pale blue colour, and it was radiating heat. I had never seen and injury like this, and being in the guard back on The Ark, I had seen a few.

Even though I wanted to leave her, I shook her gently to wake her up.

"Clarke, wake up." I whispered with a tone of urgency in my voice.

She slowly opened her eyes before sitting bolt upright. She hissed as she did so, clearly her injury was the cause.

"Clarke, look. I don't know what to do... Tell me." I pulled her top along to reveal the pale blue mark.

Clarke stared at it for a moment...

"I don't - Why is it..." She trailed off...

Suddenly a look of fear came upon her face. She muttered something inaudible under her breath

"Want to share" I asked curiously.

"I said it's heplagthry."

What the hell is that

As if Clarke expected me to know... "Sorry I got failed medical vocab..."

She rolled her eyes. "It's poison Bellamy, they used to have it on The Ark as a form of punishment before they started to float people."

"Poison? Is it dangerous..." I was starting to worry. I could tell she was getting weaker and weaker by the minute.

"Only in large amounts. Judging by the colour I should be fine for now but I need you to go get the herb that cures it. I saw it in a meadow near the waterfall. It's easy to get to."

I hugged Clarke swiftly making her wince before rushing out of my tent.

"Bellamy!" Clarke called from inside the tent... I hurried back, seeing what she needed.

"Do you even know what you're looking for...?" She questioned, a smirk on her small pink lips.


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