13. Lost (II)

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"What did you do to her?!" I yelled towards the man, as he adjusted his layers of fur that acted as clothes.

"Chil daun." He replied back at me before leaving the room, submerging me into darkness once more.

"Clarke! Clarke..." I reached down and fumbled over her body, trying to find a pulse anywhere I could. I finally found one in her wrist, letting out a sigh of relief.

My stomach rumbled as I sat against the wall... but twisted when I took a deep breath, letting in the putrid smells that filled the air.

How long have I been down here...

There was no way of telling the time here, no sun, no moon. Just darkness.

I sat there, it could've been five minutes or five hours but I started to cry... Knowing I would never see Bellamy, or Jasper or any of my friends ever again.

It was my fault we were stuck in this pit. If I hadn't disobeyed my brother, then I would'nt have been in the woods, and Clarke wouldn't have been stood there with me.

Clarke started to stir at my feet, her breathing becoming rapid and uneven... I quickly wiped my tears and went to her help.

"Clarke! It's okay I'm here Clarke! Calm down." I sat her up and embraced her body... if we were going to die down here then it would be together.

"Oc-Octavia?" she asked over my shoulder. I noticed she was trembling slightly and she smelt of blood.

"Yeah I'm here... look we're gonna get out of this together aren't we."

And in that moment, the door swung open again, a different man walked into the rooms this time. I glanced towards Clarke, noticing she was covered with blood, as if she had been dipped in it.

The man walked towards us, he had a dark complexion with a defined jawbone. He looked down upon me and Clarke and pulled me up, swinging me over his shoulder. I fought as much as I could, beating my arms and legs against him but it was no use.

"NO! Take me instead!" Clarke shrieked... desperate for him to put me down.

He spoke in a hushed, hard tone.

"Be quite if you value your life"

"Eng- You speak English?" I pleaded. I only thought these people spoke their own language

He swiftly left the room and slammed the door shut behind him, I watched as Clarke was immersed in the dark once more, her face had a look of terror and helplessness on it.

The man carried through what seemed to a maze of cave tunnels before reaching a smaller, closed off cave, filled with different things from the ground that this man had found.

He put me down and tied me to a piece of metal on the wall. He looked into my eyes as he was doing so... I looked away. These people had taken Clarke and I away from our home...

"Ouch!" I yelped as he held my wrists, they were raw from the rope... I hadn't realised I'd even struggled to get the rope off.

He started to use ointment out of a small vile from his pocket, he brought it to my wrists before I snatched them away.

"Don't you dare touch me!" I screamed

"Go get my friend!" I screamed again as he tried to approach me once more.

He got up and walked over the the opposite end of the cramped cave. He held a thin piece of material in his hand that I soon discovered acted as a gag.

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