10. Nicknames

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I was scared to say the least, we both were... I had been used to having all the power around here; but now Clarke and I had a greater force to reckon with.

I watched Clarke as she ran her hand through her bright blonde hair, only now truly realising what we were up against.

"We can't tell anyone..." She said after a while, clearly thinking hard about all that had happened in our very little time on Earth.

"I agree with you on this one, it would send the whole camp into turmoil... but we can't fight these people just us two alone." I replied, stating the obvious.

Clarke nodded and sat there, still fiddling with her own fingers.

"Maybe you're right..." she responded.

"About what, you don't tend agree with me... even though everything I say is correct." I smirked before she shot me a look and I knew that now really wasn't the time for sarcasm.

"I mean, we could fight this out, just us two... that way everyone stays safe."

"Yeah... no. I'm not following here, a few more words would be great Clarke." I said, sounding ruder than I had intended.

"Ugh, I mean you and I could reason with these people, make them see that we're not a threat to them... we just want to co-exist together." She looked up once she had finished as she waited for me to take it in.

"Clarke, you said it yourself, they don't even speak English so I'm pretty sure we can't just walk up to them and tell them we are amazing and not dangerous at all." I said... I felt this conversation was just me pointing out the obvious.

"Well there must be something we can do... we had better think of it. And fast, before anyone else gets hurt." She pleaded. She was right. We couldn't stand by as leaders knowing these murderers were running around outside our walls. I couldn't stand by knowing that Octavia was under threat.

And Clarke... knowing she too was at risk.


"Clarke, I've got great news!" I declared as I swung round the flap and into her tent... only to find her in the company of Bellamy. I felt my face drop immediately, just as my heart did. I cleared my throat before continuing, noticing how tense the atmosphere was.

"Bellamy." I nodded towards him... We both had a mutual hatred for each other... but I was trying to be polite, for Clarke's sake.

"Anyway, Raven and Monty grabbed the things you left out for everyone this morning and they have managed to build a radio. The signal isn't the best but I mean you can speak to your mom, right!"

As I was speaking, both Clarke and Bellamy took a deep breath in, they clearly weren't big fans of this whole radio business.

"What the hell Finn! You let the build a radio without our permission!" She said, her voice getting louder with each word.

She stood up and started to pace towards me, as if to take a hit before Bellamy grabbed her and pulled her away.

"What the hell Clarke! It's only a damn radio, not a fucking bomb!" I shouted back... puzzled by her sudden outburst. I glanced up at Bellamy, restraining Clarke, and he was clearly agitated by this too.

I turned to walk out the tent but as I did so, Clarke yelled from behind me.

"You! Don't you dare leave Finn! There are some low people in this camp Finn... but I think you might be at the bottom." I pivoted back around to meet her gaze.

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