25. For Clarke

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I tried to grab her as she darted out, desperate to stop Finn…

I should’ve tried harder to get her back. I should’ve tried harder to keep her at my side.

Finn mouthed something to Clarke just before he was trapped in fire… gone for good. I hated Finn, and sometimes I really wished his smug ass was dead… but now it had happened, I didn’t really wish ill upon him. No one deserves to die when they didn’t have to.

“CLARKE!” I shouted as she watched Finn burn for a moment. She turned and started to run back to me as I screamed her name, hoping it would make her legs faster.

The flames expanded, creeping behind her at an alarming rate as a look of terror crossed her face and regret filled her eyes.

“CLARKE RUN!” I shouted, stretching out my hand… ready to grab her as she ran into my arms. But I never got to hold her as I watched her body being swept into the air.

No, no, no…

The shockwave from the explosion threw all of us backwards, hitting the ground and the trees with an impact that made my vision go blurry and left a ringing in my ears.
I crawled onto the bridge, grabbing the rail and hauling myself up as my vision cleared. But I wish it didn’t.

I was met with the sight of Clarke’s once warm, lively body now being carried by the strong current, away from me forever. I climbed onto the rail, preparing to dive in after her. Floating away was no burial. Especially not for Clarke. Especially not for me.

“Bellamy don’t.” Someone behind me said as they wrapped their arms around me, carrying me down onto the bridge once more. I recognised it as Lincoln, but I couldn’t escape his tight grasp… and I watched as the blonde mess of hair disappeared round the bend… never to be seen again.
“Bellamy… she belongs to Tyrop… the spirit of death and water. There’s nothing you can do now.” He spoke behind me as he loosened his tight grip around me.

No matter what he said to me… I only had one thing running through my head.

I never said goodbye, I never said I love you.

May we meet again” I whispered as I grabbed the gun from behind the bush and started to walk with everyone else back to camp. We walked in silence. In mourning of Finn and Clarke. Raven let out the occasional sniff as she walked with her head down, Octavia was sobbing into Lincoln chest as he stared straight ahead, with a sombre look in his eyes.

I had lost one of the most important things in the world, and I didn’t care who saw me weak as I let my eyes fill with tears and spill down my cheeks.
I wanted to leave, to walk into the wilderness and never come back… But we had a war to win, and I was going to win it for Clarke. That’s what she would want. She would want me to carry on being strong for those around me, for her.


We were all silent in camp as we waited for the return of the group that had left. The atmosphere inside the walls was tense… whether we were waiting for an immediate retaliation from the Grounders or the group to return safe and well… we didn’t know. We were all just silently waiting.

We had heard to explosion go off and saw the explosion grow into the air, swallowing up the blue sky and filling it with a pungent smelling ash.

“They’re back!” A girl from the gate shouted, and a crowd of us rushed towards them as they entered… only three of them. Bellamy, Octavia and Raven.

Nervous whispers and anxious words started to ripple around the camp when one kid in the back broke the hush and called out to the three defeated looking people infront of us.
“Where’s Clarke and Finn and the Grounder?” He shouted as people nodded in agreement, all curious and starting to fear the worse.

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