20. Wartime Waltz

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There is also a song in this chapter and the video is at the top in case you didn't know what it was


We set off, using a map to find the co-ordinates Raven had given us. Both of us were on full alert, our eyes and ears scanning the woods for any disturbances. After all, this attack that had been promised could start anywhere... any time.

"Clarke... I just want to say... I'm glad we sorted things out between us."

She sighed before replying as we walked together.

"Yeah me too..."

We finally reached the spot on the map... but the only thing to see was a few remains of what used to be houses at the bottom of a quarry.

We split up to find the entrance to the underground bunker quicker. I scoured the ground for any sign of an entrance... but I could see nothing.

The way to win this war could be right under our feet...

"Bellamy! I found it!" Clarke called from over the ridge as I made my way to her.

I watched for a moment as she tried to pull it open, but no use.

"You do realise there's a lock on it?" I asked her, pointing at the pad lock that was clearly keeping it shut.

We soon entered the bunker, pushing past the cobwebs and the few decaying bodies that were down there. The whole place smelt of decay and dust it clearly hadn't been touched for years.


As we searched around the place for anything useful, Bellamy's face lit up and a huge smirk crossed his face as he took off the lid from a big plastic box. I walked over to him and peered into the box in front of him. My eyes fell upon grenades and ammunition of all sorts.

"Really...? That's what you're happy about finding...?" I scoffed as I turned away to look in the other side of the bunker

"Clarke... we're fighting a war we can't win. At least now we don't have to hide from spears." He paused for a moment, his eyes darting around the bunker.

"The question is, we've got ammo... but where are my guns?" he said jokingly as he started to search through other boxes, disappointed when there weren't guns.

I chuckled to myself as I wandered round the corner to find and large object sat on a table with a white sheet slung over the top. I decided to take my chances to find out what it was... If it was a weapon of mass destruction... I wasn't going to let Bellamy know that's for sure.

I reached my hand to the rough sheet, pulling it onto the floor. Dust flew into the air, resulting in a coughing fit from me.

"You alright back there?" Bellamy called as he was still searching through the shelves and boxes.

"Yep..." I coughed again, regaining my breath.

I looked upon the object and recognised it at once. The golden tube sat neatly on top of the wooden box, with a record waiting to be played.

"Awesome" I muttered to myself as my fingers brushed the polished wood.

I laughed to myself, amazed how this had survived a nuclear war and how it had somehow ending up in this bunker.

"And this is..." Bellamy asked from behind me, drawing me out of my thoughts.

"I think it called a gramophone, they used to use it about 200 years ago to play music." I started to explain to him.

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