11. The Radio Effect

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I hadn't seen Bellamy since he had walked away from me earlier that evening, he disappeared into his tent and hadn't emerged since... I was curious as to where exactly he had gone, but it would be rude of me to intrude. He was usually the one walking round walking round in the night, checking everything was in place, however... since his vanishing act... I had to step in.

The good thing was... I wasn't tired at all. Which was odd, considering over the last few days, I had barely had any sleep, however something in me was pulling me through the fatigue.

The camp was silent now, the only people around me were guards on the gate... and since the grounder incident, they were on full alert constantly.

We had only been on the ground less than a month, and already we had lost 17 people, including Rohan and Wells... what sort of a leader was I?

I let people die, we were now threatened with an attack from the people on the ground... and I had done nothing about it... I had let myself run out of camp like a mad woman and I was confused over boys... I was angry at my own mother for essentially killing my father... That doesn't sound very leader like to me...

I walked into the dropship, hoping that tidying the medical area would help me clear my mind... Like I said, I hoped.

I had just emptied the water from the container and I had come back in from the cold night, when the radio in the corner that Raven had made started to crackle...

I swear it was silent a second ago...?

And as I wondered towards it, I could make out faint voices in the static... I stood there for a moment, letting my breath condense in the chilly air as I wondered what I should do.

I was furious at my mom and The Ark, but the longer we went on trying to avoid the Grounders without any help, the longer we were potentially sitting ducks. I collapsed down on the metal stool and grabbed the radio speaker... I didn't know much about radios, but I knew that I had to at least change frequencies to access the distant voices.

Ar------ E-th------ Hundr------ ive----ou----py?

The sound started to become clearer, I became hopeful, but I still couldn't make out what they were saying.

I was getting the same sounds no matter what frequency I was on and I was starting to get frustrated...

"Some of us can't do this alone!" I shouted at the small transmitter, as if that would make it work.

Raven appeared behind me and made by jump as she spoke.

"Shouting at it won't work... try adjusting the tuner..." She leaned over me and switched a dial up until the voices became recognisable.

"Ark Station transmitting to Earth. Are the Hundred alive? Do you copy?"

"Yes! Yes we're here! The Hundred are alive! You have to help us... Please." I begged down the speaker.

"Wow, I couldn't get that thing to work at all, and I'm a mechanic! Whatever you did Clarke, it worked a treat..." Raven chuckled behind me, clearly impressed by what I did, which was nothing at all.

I ignored her comment as I stared straight ahead, desperately listening into the static for any signs of reply.

"Clarke?" a familiar voice replied... one that was comforting yet made me wince at the sound.

"Mom..." I started.

"Thank god you're not dead! I was so worried! You're wristband went down and I thought you had died. Jaha and I were both hoping that you and Wells would survive" She sounded excited....

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