15. Rather be Dead

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I had been stumbling through the woods all night, desperately trying to get back to the safety of my camp. I didn't even know if I was going in the right direction all I knew is that I would die if I didn't make it back. And I would die alone... which was my worst fear. There were so many things that I hadn't done. I love my mom but she thought I hated her, and Bellamy. I don't know what feelings I had for him... but I just wanted to see him one last time.

The sun of the new morning started to peek through the leaves overhead. I was freezing cold to the core, it was quickly becoming autumn and the cold breezes bit my bare skin. I finally reached a part of this dense forest I knew... It was the meadow and I could now navigate my way back to camp. But as I got closer to the hustle and bustle behind the walls, my legs started to fail me. My eyes were getting heavier and I could feel myself quickly approaching the ground. The last thing I remember was someone shouting that I was outside and the gates swinging open before I collapsed in heap.

I don't want to die...


8 days... and no sign of Bellamy. I was telling myself to stop, but I was beginning to think that Clarke was dead... Octavia explained how she had seen Clarke in the cave covered in blood, how she had pleaded the Grounders to stop. And if she was still there, she most definitely was dead.

I sighed as I looked over at Finn, he had his arm draped over me and he was muttering in his sleep. I untangled myself from his warm body and got up, getting dressed and heading outside, hoping that Bellamy would come back today.

8 days...

In Bellamy's absence, not a lot had changed. We had found a building which contained blankets and torches, we needed all we could get right now. We had also managed to have a hunting rota, so that we never ran out of meat. Octavia had taken Clarke's position as doctor or healer or whatever you want to call it, looking after people who had been injured whilst hunting.

We were lucky, there had been no attacks or interaction from the Grounders. And I was just hoping that would last as long as possible. Plus, no-one had died under my leadership... so that was great too, I guess.

I had put Monty and Jasper on guard by the gate when I walked out the tent, and I then went to speak to Octavia who was sat by the fire.

"Hey." I said to her as I perched beside her.

"Raven... It's all my fault... I left her there to die. I promised I would go back fo-"she started but she was stopped by Jaspers screams from the gate

"CLARKE'S OUTSIDE, SHE IS ON THE GROUND! OPEN THE GATES!" he shouted across the camp.

Octavia's eyes widened as she glanced over at me and we both broke out in a run, squeezing through the half open gate to see Clarke and a crowd swiftly gathered behind us. But I wasn't expecting the sight before me.

Clarke lay in a heap on the floor. In the time she had gone which was about 9 days she had lost weight. She was only wearing a bra and her underwear, you could see her ribs sticking through her chest, her collarbones, hips, knees and shoulders were all defined under her pale skin. She was covered in purple bruises and cuts all over, from head to toe. Her hair was mangled and dirty...

"Inside now!" I shouted about the muttering crowd as Jasper, Monty and Octavia grabbed her slender frame and carried her into the dropship.

"Okay... um. Jasper get me a cloth and some water, Monty, grab some clothes and blankets from my tent. Raven, ask Abby what we need to do on the radio and tell her it's Clarke." Octavia commanded, desperate to make things right.

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