18. Secret Lies

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"Well, what's happening?" I asked Octavia as she jogged through the gate. Everyone was still recovering from the virus. We had lost 10 people from it... meaning our numbers were growing smaller. The cure Lincoln had given us worked, thankfully.

"Lincoln said that they know we have the cure, that we're still strong. That's why they're not attacking, he said we'd all be dead by now if we didn't have the berries." She sighed before continuing.
"He also said that the Commander, Anya, knows there is a traitor in their clan... meaning Lincoln could be killed if he is found out..." Her eyes started to well up, but she blinked the tears back down.

"Are you going to tell Bellamy about Lincoln...?" I asked her, knowing what the response would be.

"Hell, I don't even know how to break it to Jasper, let alone Bellamy..." Octavia said before wondering over to Finn who didn't get sick as he was trying to make the fire bigger.

Luckily, I had spent enough time with the virus inside me to become immune to it, so I could come and go between the quarantine when I pleased. I stepped into the dropship, met with the metallic smell of blood that brought vivid memories of when the Grounders tortured me.

Jasper and Monty were sat on the floor together, playing a staring contest whilst onlookers cheered them on. Raven was sat on the radio, fiddling with controls trying to get the radio connection that we had lost a few days before. And Bellamy... he was nowhere to be seen.

The truth was, I was glad that he wasn't in eyeshot because I was trying to avoid conversation. I was confused how I truly felt about him... Everyone here knew that he used girls as a onetime thing. And I didn't want to make leadership beside him any more difficult by getting myself into the wrong place with him... I was more than willing to be friends... Good friends even. And even though there was a sort of love for him in my heart... I was unclear of what it was.

"Okay Clarke... who blinked first?" Jasper turned to me, interrupting me from my thoughts. It had turned out I had been unintentionally staring at their game for about a minute or so...

"Sorry, I er, I wasn't watching." I smiled before heading towards Raven.

"Damn radio... Piece of crap damn radio." She muttered under her breath before she turned to face me as I tapped her on the shoulder.

"Hey, any luck...?" I asked her, giving her a smile.

"If you mean any luck trying to get my boyfriend to not be jealous of you then no. And if you mean this shitty radio, then it's another no..."

"Raven- I- What!?" I asked, slight confused by her outburst. She was staring straight into my eyes, her deep brown ones full of hurt.

"So I said to Finn... 'What's with you and Clarke, you don't seem to like her and Bellamy together much.' And he completely denied anything. But I was then speaking to Harper... and she had heard a conversation between you and Bellamy saying how you nearly had sex with Finn... So you we're screwing my boyfriend behind my back basically...?" She shot out. The whole dropship had gone silent, listening to her carefully planned words.

"No, it's not like that I promise..." I started.

"Yeah well... whatever. You can have Finn. We're done anyway." She said as she turned back to her radio. I grabbed her shoulder, turning her back around. It was my turn to throw out the words.

"Maybe if you took one minute, I can explain. When I arrived down here... no one apart from Monty, Jasper, Wells and Finn liked me! Finn didn't even mention you once, he kissed me... I just went with it... and then we went on a walk together, we found this underground room and stuff nearly happened... but do y'know what. It didn't. And then you came down here... And I felt bad for eve having any feelings for Finn. Raven you're my friend, and I am a leader here and I would never do anything to jeopardize that... but I think you're looking for someone other than Finn to blame..." I finally finished, taking a breath at the end.

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