16. Long Time, No See

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8 days... it had been 8 days and I was starting to lose hope. As much as I willed myself to keep searching... The fuel that once drived me to find Clarke was slowly disappearing. For all I knew, she could be dead as I was wondering around the woods searching for her.

"Clarke..." I shouted for what must've been the two-hundredth time, although it wasn't really a shout. My throat was dry, I had run out of water a day ago and I was starting to get desperate.

Octavia had told Raven and I what state Clarke was in when they were last together... and from what she said, it wasn't pleasant.

She could be dead...

She could be dead!

I kicked the roots of a nearby tree. I was my fault she was out there. If I hadn't annoyed her that night, and if I hadn't made the decision to keep the radio on rather than switching it off, then she wouldn't have gone on a stupid walk that ended up getting her taken or worse.

People in camp we're probably doubting I'd find her and noticing I had gone. I didn't want to give up, but I had no other option... There at least needed to be a team of us, excluding Finn from that team of course. However, it had been 8 days and the only life I had seen was the occasional animal. No grounders, which was strange considering they wanted us all dead. I'm pretty sure that's right.

"You're a failure Bellamy, you had one job. Look after your sister and now you've ended up looking after two girls, one of them potentially dead. I hate Earth..." I muttered under my breath as I circled back to camp which was only half a days walk from here.

I continued talking to myself, there was no one else to talk to anyway.

"So many things. God damn. So many goddamn things I didn't tell her. 'Hey Clarke, you're really pretty.', 'Clarke, you're an amazing leader.', 'Wow, I love you.'" I sighed on the last one. It was true... I did love her, and I was too afraid to admit it. But she was gone, I guessed it really didn't matter.

When we first got to the ground, I remembered that she was determined to get to Mt. Weather and all I wanted to do was party. She had seen me hiding behind the cargo in the dropship as I lurked in the shadows, searching for my sister who was sat right next to Clarke.

I had called her privileged that day which kind of insulted her, but I still smiled at the memory.

But it was the night I had slept with Clarke that I will remember the most. Wells had just died, she'd been shot by a poison arrow and then found out her mom essentially killed her dad. And she came to me in a flood of tears, and we laid there. For a whole night, my arms wrapped around her.

"But now she is dead." I said to myself bluntly as a slight lump formed in my throat.


I had finally got near camp after walking through the forest for the whole morning, replaying all the memories I had ever had with Clarke.

I was approaching the water fall, I could hear it even though it was covered by trees. I walked along the treeline before there was a break in the greenery.

I stared at the waterfall, watching as the white water fell onto the shiny grey rocks below.

Suddenly, a figure stepped out of the curtain of water, someone with a tiny, bony frame and blonde hair. I couldn't recall anyone at camp that looked like that, they were wearing a bra and underwear with their back facing away from me.

I stood there for at least three minutes trying to figure out who it was.

Maybe one of the girls figured out how to dye their hair...


No. Idiot Bellamy. Does that look like Clarke to you?

The only thing that connected to Clarke was the blonde hair and I didn't know everyone at camp... I watched for a moment as the blonde girl turned around... My eyes growing wide as a grin came upon my face. I ran my hand through my messy hair and I dropped my bag before diving in. Clothes and all.

When I resurfaced, she was lying on the rocks, frantically crawling away from me as I swam closer.

I got towards the edge of the rocks, standing up, waist deep in water. She had stopped crawling and stared at my face, worried I was a dream.

"Bellamy...?" she whispered almost inaudibly, but I still heard.

Before I had time to reply, she ran towards the edge of the rocks, jumping into the cool water in front of me. She disappeared for a moment, before floating back up in front of me.

I immediately wrapped my arms round her waist, holding her as tight as I could. I had noticed that she was considerably smaller since I last held her in my tent. Her ribs stuck into my chest.

I gave her a small squeeze before I whispered into her ear.

"Long time, no see Princess..."

We stood there in the water for a little bit before she pulled back, looking me straight in the eyes. I looked over her face, she had a black eye, cuts running across each cheek and a split above her eyebrows.

Anger filled up inside of me due to her mistreatment, along with desperation, happiness and love.

I leaned slowly towards her, and she did the same. Our lips connected instantly as we both put all our emotions into the kiss.

I eventually pulled away and looked at her face once more. I splashed her, which made her scream as she splashed me back playfully. No words were said. And they didn't need to be.


I had been waiting for Clarke for at least 15 minutes now. I respected her privacy and all but I was beginning to grow impatient. In the time I had waited, I had carved a smiley face and the sentence 'Octavia is awesome' into a tree. I was adding the finishing touches when I heard Clarke scream above the noise of the water.

I ran into the clearing, knife held up ready to attack. I glanced over to the rocks where the water fell and there was no sign of Clarke... But my attention was immediately drawn to splashing just below the rocks and my eyes fell upon my older brother beaming at Clarke who was smiling for what I guessed was the first time in weeks.

They stopped splashing for a moment and just looked at each other before he picked her up in the way a mother would pick up a baby and kissed her.

What is going on with the world...

I retreated back into the forest, taking a peek at the two lovers over my shoulder before making my way back to camp with a grin on my face.

2149... what a year to be alive.


Finally a Bellarke moment... damn. Thank you to all who are reading, again. And feel free to let me know what you think about it. And thank you for all the reads and votes... it means a lot. I am pretty sure it was the day before yesterday I was saying how it got 600 reads... now it is only 6 away from 700... it is insane! :) x

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