Unfilal son

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It was dinner time... everyone was at the dinning room the dinner table was filled with *your favourite dishes*

Ferris was sitting at the centre followed by Megan and Lee opposite to them were Liam and Hazel ..Liam and Megan were talking occassionally while Ferris Hazel and Lee were patiently listening to them..It was a harmonious scene ..

Lee was looking at Hazel time to time a glint of excitement and happiness in his eyes observing the dishes she likes and the dishes she doesn't like..he would avert his gaze when Hazel looks at his direction..he gets nervous and his heart starts beating exceptionally fast as if it would come out of his chest and start running around. Megan is happily serving the dishes to her daughter and Liam is blabbering as usual while Ferris is sitting there calmly a glint of happiness in his eyes ..

"Arthur that unfilal son of mine seems to love his job more than his family he didn't even came to meet his little sister" said Megan dissatisfied..

"Don't worry mom eldest brother will surely love little sister when he comes back home" said Liam looking at his mother

Lee also nodded in acknowledgment

"Hazel you can get familiar with your surroundings first than you can start going to your new school St.Paul's starting next week ..if you have any problem talk with you brothers.. ohh yes your cousin sister Lara studies their as well she is as same age as you.. ...and also we want to organize a coming of age ceremony for you and introduce you as the member of Jackson family.. you'll meet rest of  the Jackson family their" Ferris said looking at Hazel Lee,Liam and Megan were also looking at Hazel expectantly..St.paul's is the best school in the city and only the kids of rich and elites studies their .

Hazel Hummed in agreement ..which made everyone really happy..

After dinner everyone went to their own rooms Hazel also went to her room emptied out her suitcase which had some jewelries stones paintings plants and books etc

She took out a book on quantum physics and started reading the Book ...

After finishing the book she naturally went to her bed and slept ..

Next morning Hazel woke up at 6 o'clock..no matter where she is she naturally wakes up at 6 o'clock it's her habit..after waking up , she took a bottle of protein shake from the kitchen and went outside ...she came back after 2 hours..It looked like no one has woken up yet..so she went upstairs to her room and went inside the bathroom took a long bath almost an hour long.. came out dried her hair and got dressed up ..she went downstairs and saw that everyone had woken up by now ...

Seeing her daughter the happy Megan became more happier it was like a dream for her...Hazel strode down she saw her father having breakfast hurriedly as he had to leave for his company ..Her second brother had coffee on his right hand and magazine on his left ...he looked calm and elegant anyone would go head over heels for him if they saw him this way early in the morning ..Her third brother was playing games ..

" mom,dad, second brother and third brother good morning" she said smiling

Hearing her greeting and smiling at them everyone were stunned it felt like they were in heaven ..

"Good morning Hazel" they said in unison

"I hope you had a good sleep ...you should have slept a little longer and relaxed" said Megan

Hazel just smiled at her and said nothing

Liam ran towards Hazel

"Ahh little sister would you like to go to the racing track I am a racer it will be really fun and you can meet my friends and be friends with them" said Liam

"No, you'll hurt Hazel and all your friends at the racing track are je*ks they will hurt her " said Lee anxiously

"Hazel why don't we go to the Grand hotel together I  have a meeting with a client their would you like to accompany me?" Asked Lee

"Sorry, second brother, third brother ..I have made plans to meet a friend of mine this evening so I can't accompany you" said Hazel..

Both of them looked dissatisfied

Megan also looked at Hazel "Do you have friends in the city "y" ? Do you need the chauffeur to send you their..?" She asked

Hellow my lovesss
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