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Hazel had slender eyebrows, Velvety eyelashes,sea nymph ears,dainty nose, ebnoy black hair, rapture brown eyes, pouting lips..both Hazel and the man looked at each other for a long time astonished by each other beauty...

"Young master Willson the auction is starting" soon a voice came from somewhere and they regained their expressions..thanks to Trevor's assistant Robert..

Lot of things were being auctioned but nothing attracted their attention ..

Soon the Jadiete was brought ...

The host said "this is the Jadiete rarest type of jade all around the world it's starting price is seven million"

"Anyone more than seven million"?

Seven million and fifty thousand said an old bald man from the middle of the row

"8 millions" said Leo Brown's assistant

"10 million" said Scarlett Davis assistant

"15 million" said John..

seeing that Niall was also bidding on the Jadiete Leo looked and smiled at Niall meaningfully and didn't raise his pannel anymore..

Niall felt the way Leo looked at him was different ..Niall and Leo had been childhood friends... instead every young generation from the four influential families are childhood buddies.

Niall didn't say anything and smiled back at leo happily. Seeing Niall smile at him Leo's ears turned red ...

"20 million" said Scarlett... Leo wanted to give the Jadiete to Niall but sensing that Niall was just raising the price and not exactly wanted to buy the Jadiete he stopped

"25 million" came the voice from behind it was Robert Trevor's assistant ..

Seeing that Trevor the young master of Willson wanted to buy the Jadiete .. Scarlett thought Trevor wanted to give the Jadiete to her... and on this thought she became happy and didn't raise the pannel anymore..

"30 million" said Niall's assistant

It was silent everywhere

"30 million 1"


"30 million 2"


Niall got anxious he didn't wanted to buy it he was just raising the Price to prank Hazel .. money wasn't the problem but he didn't know what the hell was he even going to do with the Jadiete..he could gift it to Hazel..But he knows Hazel's personality she will never accept a gift from him..

Scarlett thought no matter what Trevor would surely buy her the Jadiete so she sat their calmly...

Seeing Niall anxious Leo was going to raise her pannel..

"37 million" when suddenly a sweet voice came from behind.. everyone looked back and saw Hazel.. everyone was stunned by her  beauty for a moment..

Niall breath a sigh of relief

"40 million" said Trevor himself

"43 million" said Hazel

Seeing Hazel compete with Trevor for the Jadiete.. Scarlett had a glint of disgust on her eyes. And she scoffed..she thought she was surely getting the Jadiete today.. Trevor was surely going to get the Jadiete for her...

"45 million" said Trevor

Hazel looked at Trevor for a while and said

"60 million"

Everyone at the venue were shocked.. only Niall had a sly smile at his face.. seeing him smiling Leo looked at Hazel and seemed to figure out something... There was glimpse of jealousy and anger in his eyes..

60 million one

60 million two

"69 million" said Trevor

Scarlett almost jumped on her seat of happiness

Hearing that Hazel had an evil smile on her face...

Seeing her smile Trevor was confused..and Niall got shiver seeing her smile ...

69 million one

69 million two

Trevor looked at Hazel smiling evily

"It's a replica" mouthed Hazel to Trevor and smiled slyly..

Understanding what Hazel meant Trevor's face turned dark..

"69 million sold" the voice of host came

"The Jadiete is sold to mr Trevor Willson .. congratulations mister Willson".. said the host

After a little while

Robert came to Trevor ..

"It's true sir, the real Jadiete was already bought by the special assistant Oscar at Europe's auction last night ...t- the Jadiete you bought just now is a re-replica" he said nervously..

"Give it to Scarlett " said Trevor coldly..
Trevor originally wanted to gift the Jadiete to old madam Willson, his grandmother..but  now he can't give a replica to his grandmother so he gave it to Scarlett...

Scarlett was over the moon when she received the Jadiete she didn't know the inside story..

Trevor looked at Hazel excitement and astonishment in his eyes "interesting" he murmured

"Find a way to buy the real Jadiete no matter how much it costs" he said to robert

"On it sir" said Robert

Hozel was going to leave when Niall suddenly came out of nowhere hugged her and started sobbing

We don't need to worry
Cause when we fall we know how to land
So don't talk the talk just walk the walk
Cause we don't need permission to dance (^∇^)ノ♪

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