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Leo was searching for Niall when he saw this scene..Their was coldness and jealousy in his eyes...

Trevor also happened to see this scene and his eyes turned cold too...

They went to the direction of Hazel and Niall and heard Niall saying

"Hazel I am so sorry that Je*k took your Jadiete I hope you are not mad at me for bidding on it... that Trevor must have bought it to compete with me ..Hazel I didn't wanted it to happen I just wanted to prank you and raise the price of the Jadiete higher Hazellll I am so sorry"...

This made both Leo and Trevor stunned... as they couldn't believe their eyes and ears at all..They knew that only few people can see this side of Niall to top it with everything..even they hadn't seen Niall crying and hugging someone..this made Leo more jealous..

Hazel didn't say anything and just stood their expressionlessly looking at Trevor and Leo ....

"Hazel?" Niall called out to Hazel

After not getting any answer he looked at Hazel and found out she was looking at someone behind him..

So he turned his head only to find out that Leo and Trevor were looking at him stunned...his heart almost came out of his mouth ...

He clumsily regained his calm and composed expression ...

"Who's the je*k you are talking about?" Asked Trevor

"N-No one" said Niall and ran out..leo followed him

Trevor looked at Hazel..His heart started racing very fast ..he was nervous and excited at the same time but he couldn't figure out what made him nervous and excited...

"How did you know it was a replica?" Asked Trevor with a calm expression despite all that going on in his heart

"None of your business" answered Hazel

Trevor was going to say something when suddenly a voice came from behind

"Brother Trevor thank you very much for the Jadiete..I really loved it.." she said and handled a glass of wine to Trevor..

Trevor gulped it all in one go without thinking anything .. seeing Trevor drinking the wine.. Scarlett smirked slightly..and went back

After she went back..for some reason Trevor got nervous at the thought that Hazel might have misunderstood his and Scarlett's relationship so he tried to explain

"I wanted to give the Jadiete to my grandma but as it is a fake one I gave it to her" he said trying to keep a casual expression on his face

"Ohh" said Hazel calmly ..but she was really happy that he offered an explanation to her she was not going to judge their relationship it doesn't concern her but for some reason the explanation made her really happy...


Trevor was about to leave when he heard Hazel stopping him..

He stopped on his track and looked behind..

Hazel was searching for something in her backpack when she took out a small bottle like container took out a white pill and handed the pill to him...

Trevor looked at the pill than looked at her raising his eyebrows

"Your drink had flibanserin mixed in it ..this is the antidote for it " she said..she didn't know herself why she was helping an unknown man who had nothing to do with her and even competed with her..

"Why should I trust you?" Asked Trevor

Hazel looked at his eyes didn't say anything and left with a smirk

When Trevor was going to throw the pill

He Started to feel uncomfortably hot all over his body..he went to the toilet and tried to lower the heat in his body.but failed..

He thought of the pill Hazel had offered him took it out and gulped it up without even thinking anything...

Soon the uncomfortable feeling in his body was gone...he soon came out of the toilet and went to the main venue..many people had already left...

Scarlett came to Trevor and asked in anxious tone but her eyes clearly showing happiness "brother Trevor, are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?...do you need my help to drop you home"?

Trevor understood her intentions and soon his expression turned dark he left the venue without even saying anything leaving Scarlett stunned...

"Forbid Scarlett from coming to the office or the Sky villa don't let her come near me in future and have you found out the real Jadiete?"

"Yes sir I have reached out to mister Oscar but he said he doesn't dare to do anything against his boss so he is going to wait for his Boss's order" said Robot

"Good...get me the detailed information of the lady who tried to compete with me in an hour" said Trevor

"On it sir" said Robert

Finally I have completed 10 chapters
I'll continue to upload two'chapters everyday..

Do support me minna san~

I love you and I am proud of you (。♡‿♡。)

BTW funfact:Vatican City is the smallest country in the world..

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