Feeling of Uncertainty

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Hazel and everyone else went in their classroom

As soon as they got in they saw Lara crying

It was a heartbreaking scene at the first sight but Hazel just ignored her and walked towards her seat

Ryan followed her

Ticha and Sekina were also following Ryan and Hazel excitedly ...

They couldn't help but grin from ear to ear

Hazel sat on her seat and Ryan sat beside her ..

All this time Hazel was ignoring Ryan

Ryan couldn't take it anymore so he spoke up first

"Long time no see "

Everyone else in the classroom were shocked when they heard what Ryan said including Ticha and Sekina , ' so they know each other ' everyone thought

Ryan didn't care about the shocked look , he looked at Hazel and said

"Why are you ignoring me , Haze it's been so long we haven't met"

When Ryan said this made everyone even more shocked

"I don't know you and don't call me that"

Hazel said coldly

"No , we know each other "

Ryan again said

Hazel just looked at him with amusing eyes

Thinking that Hazel had given in to him

He smiled and said

"Haze! I'll call you Haze ! You are my Haze! We know each other " he looked at Hazel happily everytime emphasising the word 'Haze'

"Are you sure" Hazel looked at Ryan smiling but her smile didn't reach her eyes ..

It gave Ryan a cold shiver , He was very familiar with this feeling when he was with Hazel

" N- No I- I don't know you , who are you , You look like my friend Haze " Ryan said frighteningly

Dare anyone believe his newly made up lie..

Hazel just looked at him and smiled ..

It was only once in a while that Hazel would smile genuinely ..so Ryan was stunned seeing Hazel smile

He sat beside Hazel

"No body knows me here I want to keep few things secret" she said with a small voice that only her and Ryan could hear

Everyone else thought the drama was over so they started doing their work while some went to coax Lara

"Ohh" Ryan said

" Who gave you the information that I am here ? "  Hazel asked

"That old man the principal of our last school Principal Lewis "

" Old man huh ? " Hazel gave a cold chuckel

" Haze , Haze it was me who insisted him to give me your address , I threatened him saying that I would sell all the shares of the Desert Sand high school if he didn't give me the address after all my family is the largest share holder , don't worry he won't sell you to anyone else" said Ryan

"Yeah I know" Hazel said

"Haze aren't you happy to see me ? Your bestfriend? I missed you so much that I again decided to attend a normal High school for your sake" Ryan said

"You aren't my best friend" Hazel said to Ryan

" You are still as heart less as ever Haze ,but you still are my best friend" Ryan said with a helpless smile

"Yeah right , You are adopted by the Jackson? , are you crazy? , that Demon is searching for you all over the world, and you let yourself adopted are you sure Haze? Ryan asked anxiously and a bit worriedly

'Yes!! Ryan was right was she sure' ?

Hazel didn't know ..

There were only few people who could give all those weird feelings to Hazel including Ryan ..and right now he gave her feeling of uncertainty..

Though Hazel didn't admit to Ryan that he was her best friend but she couldn't deny it in her heart he was one of the few people who could give her the feeling of friendship and kinship ..Even Ticha and Sekina were not as close as Ryan to Hazel..How could they compare to Ryan? Ryan and Hazel knew each other since childhood

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