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While Hazel was deep in thought Lara came and started talking with her red teary eyes and a choking voice

"Sister I know you don't like me and you hate me , I know you that you are jealous of me because I was born in Jacksons while you were just adopted , but trust me sis I really just wanted to be friends with you and help you out after all the city's life and a country side life isn't similar , sister I - I just hope you forgive me"

She looked at Hazel with teary eyes

On the other side everyone looked at Lara with a simpathy and there was a mocking gaze for Hazel

" So she's just a country bumpkin" they thought

Feeling everyone's sympathy for Lara Emily spoke out

" Lara you really are very kind , why are you even apologizing to this ungrateful bitch she's just from the country side she doesn't have manners it should be an honour that you are apolozing to her"

Some students nodded hearing Lara's voice while some were just chewing the melon seeds

Hazel , Sekina , Ticha and Ryan looked at the drama being played by  Lara and Emily

Sekina and Ticha were already fuming with anger when they heard Lara's and Emily's words

*This bitch Lara is really manipulative* Sekina and Ticha thought

While their was playfulness in Ryan eyes and Mockery in Hazel's eyes

Ryan playfully smiled at  Lara

Seeing Ryan smile at her , Lara was over the nines

'Oh my god did Ryan took a liking at me after seeing my kind , generous and pitiful appearance ? , That must be it , Only I Lara Jackson is worthy of someone like Ryan , Though Ryan's origin is a mystery he must have an excellent family background just his temper alone showed that he must be a young master of some rich family'

Lara thought

So she started her drama again looked at Ryan and spoke out with a pitiful face and red eyes
"'R Ryan don't misunderstand sister , she - she just hates me because she wasn't the young miss of Jackson from the very beginning but she is really kind by heart , r- right sister"

She looked at Hazel and smiled a bit hurtfully

After Listening to Lara's words

Ryan laughed out loud that was followed by sweet laughter of Hazel laughing

Everyone in the class were stunned seeing Hazel laugh so Sweetly

Though Hazel always interacted with them with a sweet smile it wasn't genuine but right now she was laughing so genuinely she looked like a goddess ascended from the heavens itself .

Looking at Hazel laugh Sweetly because of Ryan

There were number of increase in Hazel Ryan's shipper

And There were also number of increase in people Jealous of Hazel as well as Ryan

Still Laughing Ryan looked at Hazel and said

"See are you really sure Haze"

"She's just a cousin" Hazel said returning to her usual dominar

"still a Jackson" Ryan replied with a smile

Hazel rolled her eyes and Looked at Lara

Looking at Hazel and Ryan Laughing

Lara was dumbfounded and her anger rose  

" Sis sister I I know you hate me and won't forgive me but still I want to say I am sorry"
She said and Looked at Hazel

Hazle lifted her eyes which was cold and gave a shiver to Lara and said

"As I said I won't forgive you , don't bother to come to me time and again to show your acting skills , I don't care , Next time you ruin my peace the consequences won't be as same as today"

Hazel spoke

This was the first time they had seen Hazel speak so many words

Ryan , Ticha and Sekina almost gave a standing ovation to Hazel

Some students thought Hazel was rude while other thought she was brave

*Hazel I'll make you pay for today's humiliation* Lara thought

and returned to her seat with a teary eyes followed by Emily

Just when drama had ended the teacher entered the class

After entering the class she announced

" Hello students , as you all already know there is a new student in our class Ryan he will be studying with us so please welcome him and help him with his studies " she said

Ryan looked at everyone smiled and gave a wink and then sat back in his seat ..

The students were dumbfounded

Ryan , The Ryan was their classmates

Ryan's fans were going crazy , Ryan had a hard first day dealing with his fans

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