It must be a coincidence

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Hazel looked at Megan calmly...Megan regretted asking her these questions for some reason..  but she couldn't figure out why?

"Don't worry mum my friend will pick me up" said Hazel without any expression

"Umm can I come with you " asked Liam excitedly..

"No third brother you will get bored there and mum please don't wait for me I might get late and will have dinner with my friend" said Hazel ..Liam looked dejected like an abondant puppy

"Ohh okay " said Megan ..she wanted to ask few more questionss but she stopped herself..

Lee looked at Hazel calmly but his eyes clearly had few questions ...He wanted to ask ,so he didn't hold "why are you going their and is your friend a male"? asked Lee anxiously

Liam and Megan were stunned to see Lee so anxious but they didn't say anything and looked at Hazel

"His name is Niall Evans ..I have somethings to discuss with him" said Hazel and looked at Lee ..Lee was stunned by her eyes and his heart started racing again

Ferris was listening to their conversation and he frowned when he heard the name 'Niall Evans' their are 4 influential families in the country Z The Wilson ,The Evans, The Browns and The Davis..

The Wilson family is known to be influential in whole continent and if the wealth of all this four family is put together they can rule the whole world for next two lives continuously..The Jacksons are as small as an ant infront of these four families ,and it is said that The young master of the Evans, Niall Evans ..he was said to be went missing few years ago but came back stronger than ever and took over the Evans this thought Ferris shivered a little but than he thought Hazel was just an orphan from a country side how can she possibly know such an influential and strong person How many people are their going by same names and Last names it must be a coincidence ...

"I am leaving " said Ferris .. Everyone looked back at him Megan gave a kiss to her husband..she did this everytime he left.. no matter if she was happy, sad or mad she always gave a good bye kiss to her husband her sons were prone to it and Hazel also didn't had any expression in her eyes..Soon Ferris left in his car happily

"Eaa how's your painting ..I hope you are doing great ..You've always made us proud I hope you'll do the same this time as well"said Megan looking at Lee

Nodding he said "yes I am almost done with my painting is a painting I drew inspired by master April's painting..I hope my painting will reach to master April this time" said Lee excitedly.

"Who's master April?" asked Liam

"Master April is a painter who's famous all over the world some people even call her the reaincration of da Vinci she has drew many paintings and all her paintings are breath taking and inspiring however she has never shown her face and is extremely mysterious" a sweet shrill voice came from behind. Everyone looked back at the same time ..their was a girl the same age as Hazel.

"Ohh Lara when did you came we didn't even noticed you" said Megan looking at her Niece

"Hello aunt Megan" Lara said handing a bag of Darjeeling tea to Megan

"This is the Darjeeling tea I ordered from India it's really hard to find it here in the country Z.. I hope you will like it aunt Megan" said Lara ...

"Thank you Lara that's really thoughtful of you" said Megan taking the bag of tea

"Second brother ,Third brother how are you where's the eldest brother ? Is he still at work ?" Asked Lara walking towards Lee and Liam completely ignoring Hazel..

"Yes" said Lee calmly without any expression on his face

"Hey Lara this is our little sister Hazel she is as same age as you isn't she pretty?"said Liam looking at Hazel happily.. if he had a tail it would be wagging right now

Lara looked at Hazel surprised by her beauty there was glimpse of jealousy in her eyes but she quickly recovered her expression matter how quickly she recovered her expression it wasn't missed by Lee..

Have a great day /night ahead ... daisuki minna san~

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