Boy Next door

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While Hazel was waiting, a lean slender leg jumped down the window, the person stood infront of Hazel,he was wearing a grey trouser with a tshirt perfectly fitting his body and outlining his perfect abs that were neither too much nor too less for her , Hazel was dazzled by the person's domeonor infront of her, It was the first time Hazel had seen him like that apart from his usual style where he usually wore his perfectly fitted suit which were nice as well which gave him perfect possesive CEO look but right now he was giving off the vibe of the guy next door.

Hazel was dazeled for a very long time and forgot what she was going to do.

"Like what you see?"

Came the voice of Trevor.

"Ummm ye-yeah" Hazel stuttered

Trevor raised his eye and gave a smirk

"I-I mean what are you doing here?"

Said Hazel with a flustered face.

"Nothing,Just wanted to see you" said Trevor looking as innocent as a puppy

"Well you've seen me enough, now you may go back" Said Hazel with her regained composure

Trevor was surprised by how quickly Hazel could calm down and regain her composure, It was like she never was flushed or she never stuttered.

On the other hand Hazel was still thinking about the embarassing moment just now never in her entire life had she been in the situation as today,  she could deal with many big wigs without breaking a sweat, but here she was today.

While she was thinking a sound came

"Hazel" came the voice of Trevor

"Yes"? Answered Hazel

"I know this is going to sound awkward.. but I have started liking you and I can't stop liking you, Instead every time I try to stop I end up thinking about you more and liking you even more, I don't know what is wrong with me, But I don't hate this feeling of liking you, it's like being in a romantic movie and it doesn't feel stupid, all the romantic songs makes sense and it feels like all of those were written for you" Said Trevor and Stared at Hazel with his dark eyes.

Hazel stared at Trevor for a long time just when she opened her mouth

Trevor again said "I know it's not been many days since we met and have known each other but the feeling for you is strong, and it is growing stronger by each passing day, and I know you feel the same somewhere for me, so please don't reject me, just instantly take your time and think about it."

Hazel looked at Trevor for a long time

"I'll take it into consideration" said Hazel like she was dealing with some business

Trevor awkwardly stared at her and after a long time he flashed a smile and said

"Okay tell me tomorrow when we meet at dinner" Trevor said

"No,I have some other appointment tomorrow" Replied Hazel

Trevor looked at Hazel again and said after a long time of frowning

"Okay, I am going to call you first, the day after tomorrow and you'll give me your answer" Trevor declared

Hazel looked at Trevor with amazement in her eyes.

"Okay" she said after a long sigh

After hearing this Trevor excitedly walked closer to her and leaned towards her and gave her a quick kiss on her lips and said

"Till then let me collect my interest" After saying that he left immediately from where he came.

Hazel stood there looking at the direction with daze , Later she went to her bed and dozed off soon

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2023 ⏰

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