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Though it had been quite a few days of Hazel coming to the school the amazement in the eyes of other students were still the same as the first day , many boys and some girls as well wanted to go and confess their love to Hazel ..but Hazel's aura was cold as if saying *Do Not Come Near Me* so nobody dared to go around her except for Sekina and Ticha .

Soon when Hazel entered her class Sekina grabbed her arms and dragged her outside at the school ground

"Damn, I can't believe that ohh so perfect Lara is going to apologise to you and the school at the assembly ,Hazel to be honest I never liked her she seems so fake and perfect she always pretends to be kind and generous but I know for sure she's a bitch underneath ,you are my goddess Hazel I praise you "

Sekina kept babbling about how much she hated Lara and how much she praised Hazel

Later they were joined by Ticha as well and then eventually the topic was shifted to the boy group and their idol and they started mommying around about their idol as always ..

Soon the bell rang and the students were gathered in the assembly hall Hazel Sekina and Ticha followed the suit as well..

Lara was already standing on the podium with a pale face a hint of tears and anger in her eyes.

Many boys had undying love for Lara as who would not like a girl so pretty, polite,kind, gentle,week, elegant and generous?

So when they saw Lara in such a state they all took pity on her and hated Hazel as according to them it was all Hazel's fault that their goddess Lara was in such a state. Even few girls felt that Lara was not at fault at all.

Soon the assembly began and Principal announced that Lara was going to apologise

The assembly went on an uproar everyone was very excited as the perfect student was going to apologise infront of the assembly , Never had they ever even dared to dream of Lara apologising infront of the whole assembly ..

It was an exciting moment for almost all the students as students some liked Drama ,Some liked Hazel and Some liked Lara ..

With eyes full of tears Lara took the mic and stared in the eyes of the crowds present down in the assembly this made her look very pitiful ..the hearts of students who viewed Lara as their goddess ached immensely.

Lara took a long breath and she searched for Hazel in the crowd as Hazel had an outstanding appearance it took no time for Lara to spot Hazel in the assembly, Lara looked at Hazel took a long sigh and started speaking

"Sister I know you are very upset with me for what I did as you were born and raised in the countryside I thought it would be difficult for you to adapt here so I wanted to be more close to you and wanted to help you adapt to the life here but you seemed to be bit upset with me from the very beginning " Lara kept babbling about how Hazel was from the country side and didn't know anything about the city's life she portrayed herself as a kind loving sister who was just trying to help Hazel to the city's life she made Hazel look as the arrogant one which helped her big deal in manipulating the students and even some teachers they all started thinking of Hazel as the ungrateful one who had no manners. But never did she admitted her mistakes or apologized to Hazel..

Down at the assembly Right infront of Hazel , Sekina and Ticha were fuming in anger

"This bitch still isn't admitting her mistakes" said Sekina huffing and puffing

Ticha sushed her immidiately and said

"Don't curse we are in an assembly it would be trouble if someone heard you using the 'b' word"

Sekina stucked out her tongue apologiticaly which made her face look even cuter.

On the other Hand Lara had already finished her babbling and looked right into Hazel's eyes.

Hazel gave a lazy bored look and a smirk at Lara and stayed quite for a long time

Right when principal thought the matter was over and was going to take the mic from Lara

"She didn't even said 'I Am Sorry' to Hazel"

Came a husky male voice from the assembly .

Hellow everyone I have been very busy with my exams for last few months and I am really sorry for not updating I promise to update regularly here onwards and I am pleasntly surprised to know that there are people who are loving the story really grateful to y'all.. as it was not only my last exam but also an end to my school life I kinda feel weird and sad but looking forward to my future wish me luck and I wish y'all luck as well .

Btw special shoutout to you kookie_with_me

And wish you luck for the results and the future as well (◍•ᴗ•◍)💜

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