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The car door opened and a long slender leg of a man came out...The man was non other than Trevor..He got out and soon as his eyes fell upon Hazel.. His eyes lit up and there was a smile on his face..

"Hi there little girl" ..he said that with a smirk..

Hazel was stunned when she looked at the man infront of her..Her heart was beating fast and she didn't know the reason why

"What do you want"? She asked keeping a calm expression despite everything going on in her heart..

Trevor was stunned by her straight fowardness ...

"Well would you like to grab a dinner with me" he said

"I am very busy" she rejected

"But I want to thank you for saving my virginity" said Trevor with smirk

"No need" said Hazel indifferently..

"But I don't like owing people" said Trevor with a straight face..

Trevor waited for her reply nervously ..He was nervous of her rejecting him..He had never been this nervous in his 25 years of life..But Hazel was different ..He wanted her ..He wanted her to be his and only his..and he didn't know why..He didn't know why he had fallen for Hazel...what he knew was his heart beat for her..and it was unusual for him..he found it interesting and decided to follow his heart fo the first time in his life...

Hazel frowned at what he said.. because she also didn't like owing to anyone... thinking of this she looked at him and nodded..

Seeing her nodding Trevor eyes brightened...

Trevor went to his car.. opened the car door for Hazel.. seeing her sitting Properly he opened the opposite door and sat there..

His assistant Robert was surprised by what he saw..He couldn't believe his eyes..He couldn't believe it was his boss who opened the door..door for a girl and was nervous about him being rejected he could have any girl he wanted without flinching a finger girls would throw themselves for him..he couldn't believe that he was..the same boss who didn't like any girls around him and even destroyed the family of a girl who tried to seduce him the same boss the whole continent was afraid about the same cold boss that people didn't dare to meet their eyes with..He couldn't believe his eyes and ears at all..He decided to never offend Hazel..or he is going to see something worse than hell...and he is never going to escape the clutches of his cold ruthless boss..

The car went to the four seasons soon as they got down the car the manager of the hotel came out running..

"Welcome boss" he said to Trevor bowing

He was stunned to see his boss with a girl ..He looked at the girl and seem to recognise the girl..she was the same girl who came with Niall few days he didn't dare to underestimate the girl.. because he could clearly see the gentleness in Trevor eyes and respectfulness in Niall eyes for the he bowed to the girl as well

"Please welcome your self boss , young miss" he said respectfully

Both Trevor and Hazel went in followed by his assistant Robert..

They soon arrived at a private room..the four seasons hotel was a hotel which had branches all over the world and it was under the Willsons..

So the Willsons had the special room at the four seasons hotel.. Trevor brought Hazel in the private room of the hotel..

Hazel looked around amused..she had been to the four seasons many time and always was assigned a private room but those rooms were nothing compared to this..

Trevor looked at Hazel he could see slight amazement in his eyes ... looking at her amazed eyes .. Trevor puffed up his chest with pride...

Than Hazel walked to the dinning table and ordered her dinner and so did Trevor.. Robert was outside the room guarding it..

Hazel ordered the dishes ...

Seeing that Hazel was familiar with the dishes and seemed like she had been here a lot time... Trevor was amused

Four seasons hotel wasn't somewhere where any one could enter only some specific people who hold the card of the hotel could enter the hotel..and not anyone could hold the card only few specific could hold the card..

They ate their dinner in ease..after dinner Hazel stood up.."you have already thanked me now we should part our ways"..she said..

Seeing her stand up.. Trevor Also stood up and stretched out his hand...

Hazel looked at his hands and after some thought Hazel stretched out her hands as well..

Trevor hold her soft long and beautiful hands..he hold it tight..he didn't ever wanted to let go off her hands

"Let's get to know each other well" he said shaking her beautiful hands

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