Jackson or Garrison?

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There were also many students who asked Ryan how he knew Hazel

To which he replied

"My family used to donate some money to the orphanage where Hazel grew up and on festivals or other holidays we used to visit the orphanage that's where I met Hazel and we became friends" 

Ryan looked at Hazel , Hazel kept quiet on Ryan's explanation

Ryan heaved a sigh of relief

Everyone believed Ryan explanation and the news of Ryan knowing Hazel since childhood spread instantly like a fire there were also rumors that Hazel and Ryan were childhood sweethearts.

After the school Ryan and Hazel walked out together ..

Ticha and Sekina had came out of their Daze and believed that Ryan was really studying with them ..they looked forward looking at the figure of Hazel and Ryan together Ticha and Sekina also started shipping them .

Ticha and Sekina were still behind Ryan and Hazel

Ryan was talking to Hazel

"Hazel , I don't know why you took such a decision of being adopted by the Jacksons I just hope you are happy and dead sure about being adopted , you know that being adopted and adding the Jackson after your name changes a lot of things while some things still remains the same , be it Jackson or Garrison you are being targeted and threatened for your life the Hazel I know doesn't runs from such minor inconvenience Hazel I know is not scared of such a silly threats and Hazel I know no matter what she does she doesn't feels guilty , and you know that, that big demon king of hell won't settle down until he finds you" Ryan said looking at Hazel with serious eyes there were no playfulness

"Who said I am running ? I am here to seek revenge and this place is also safer for my plan , as for being a Jackson ? You are right ,Infact I never wanted to be a Jackson , so the documents I gave for my adoption were all fake but I still need to reside in the Jackson residence till my plan is carried out and to be honest I really like my current family I have a loving dad a loving mum and three loving brothers , no matter what , they are my family as for being Jackson or Garrison it doesn't matter I am Me and I was destined to be born as Garrison. Which I cannot change even if I wanted to , and I don't want to change it either , and I'll sue your mouth if you call him demon or big devil again , and I just want to play with him a little it's good if he can find me , I miss him , it was his fault that I ran away from him and came here now let him pay for his mistakes "

Hazel said with a playful smile

"Ahh Haze I really missed you" Ryan went to hug Hazel

Which Hazel dodged

"Watch out I don't want to deal with paparazzi you idiot"

She said and walked forward

Ticha and Sekina couldn't hear a single word that Ryan and Hazel were talking about , they were immersed in their own world

However they got excited when Ryan ran towards Hazel to hug her but were dissaponted when Hazel dodged ..

After coming out of school gate Ticha and Sekina bade goodbye to Ryan and Hazel and went their own way .

Ryan told Hazel that he had a mansion in the same place as the Jackson residence so they were now neighbours

Hazel was amused by Ryan's words she raised an eyebrow to which Ryan gave a silly smile ..

"We have been friends since childhood I can't bear to part with you" Ryan said

Hazel just looked at him and gave a cold chuckle

Ryan froze in the spot , He wanted to hurry back home

But He hadn't brought his car today and also hadn't informed anyone to pick him up.

Hazel also had denied Megan from sending her the family car to pick her up .

Just when Ryan was about to call for a driver , Hazel saw a familiar car and walked towards it and so did Ryan.

Hazel knocked in the glass the glass of the car was lowered and Hazel saw a familiar face of a man

"Hey , hop in" The man said

And the man opened the car door for Hazel
Hazel sat in the car Ryan followed

The man frowned looking at Ryan's action. But Ryan didn't care and even gave a smug look at him and sat with Hazel

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