Lucky guess

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On the other hand Lee soon arrived at his studio...he was was one of the youngest as well as very well known Painter in country 'z'. And the studio was the biggest studio in the whole country 'z'..As soon as he arrived he went to his master 'Noah' ...

Noah was a middle aged man..But he looked fit and in a very good health..He was a good looking man..

When Noah saw Lee..He was over the top with joy..

He welcomed Lee happily

"Lee my boy are here.."come on show me your painting ..I believe it is really good and master April will love it" Noah said excitedly...

Lee looked at Noah and smiled..He took out his painting and showed it to Noah

Noah took the painting and soon his expressions changed

Lee looked at Noah nervously..

Soon Noah smiled out and looked at Lee ..
Lee was very nervous after what Hazel and said ...that he gulped a mouth full of saliva

Noah screamed "Lee my boy this is more than amazing ...this painting is awesome..master April will not only like it she will probably take you in as her desciple" said Noah excitedly

Lee breathed a sigh of relief..He thought of what Hazel had said ...than he thought..'no matter what she was raised in a country side after all she can't probably know about paintings she might didn't wanted to embarrass herself so she might have researched about the paintings.. whatever she said might just be a lucky guess after all how can she know about paintings more than my master Noah'..he was satisfied with his own thought and than his face brightened up a little...

"Thank you master" Lee said

"Nahh you deserve the praises my boy..I have already contacted the master April's assistant.. don't worry she will surely like your painting he said"..

Lee handed the painting to Noah..they chatted for a long while together after a long while Lee took his left ...

Lee looked very relived after coming out of the studio..he was confident and sure that master April will surely love his work..then he thought about Hazel..No matter what ..he liked Hazel and he was still.surprised that she can learn so much in such a short time..He admired Hazel a little more...

^Back at the studio^

Soon after Lee left..Noah smiled he looked at the painting that was left by Lee ..Than there appeared an evil smile on his face..

"Lee ... silly Lee.." he said evily

"This is one of your best creation and I will surely give this painting master April's assistant...but all the credit goes to me...after master April take a liking to this painting.. I will be one and only disciple of master April..and that's how the journey of my success starts..." Said Noah with an evil smile in his face..

Soon he picked up his phone and called someone...the call was picked after few rings ..

Noah suddenly became very respectful

"Hello mister Oscar..this is me Noah..I have made a painting which I would like to show to master April" he said

"Master is busy and who is Noah..I don't know any Noah..who gave you my phone number" Oscar said coldly

"M- mister Oscar p-please listen to me..your number was given by your nephew to me he is a desciple of mine..and please just talk to miss April..I am sure she will like my painting..."he said nervously

Listening to him Oscar frowned and than he said

"Ok I willl talk to Master April" after all he was just an assistant and he didn't dared to make a decision on the behalf of his boss ...

After that he hung up the call..

And called Hazel hesitantly

"Boss mister Noah wants to show you his painting he said he's sure that you will surely like him"he said

Hazel frowned..but after thinking for a while she remembered that Noah is Lee's master...after giving a thought she agreed ..

"Tell him to send the photo of painting" she said

"Yes boss" he said

Hazel said nothing and hung up the call

Oscar quickly called Noah and asked him to send the pic of the painting...

After recieving the pic Oscar quickly sent it to Hazel...

Hazel viewed the pic after seeing the picture she had a sly smile on her face and called Oscar..

"Tell Noah to meet me next Friday with his painting at four seasons hotel" she said looking at the calendar after saying that she quickly cut the call

Oscar called Noah and told him what Hazel had said...

Noah was on the ninth sky after receiving the call ..he had already started dreaming about being the biggest painter of the whole world ...Being a well known master of the country Z didn't satisfied him at all

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