'My babie'

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Hazel was stunned by what he said ...but at the same time she was interested as well..Hazel wanted to know what was gonna happen next ..she wanted to know why her heart beat so fast around him..she didn't even knew him..she had barely seen him at the auction and she seemed to like his presence..this was the first time Hazel had experienced something like this...

Hazel looked at their hands and said

"Okay,now let me go"

"Not unless you give me your what's app number" he said with a smirk

" Leave my hands first" said Hazel...

*No,never now that I have decided to hold your hands I am never going to leave your hands* he thought

But than eventually he let her hands go and looked at her meaning fully

Hazel couldn't avoid his eyes so she didn't had any choice but to give her contact number to him ...she took out her phone and let him scan her QR code with his phone...

Soon Hazel got a message.. which said..Save my number

Hazel looked at Trevor.. Trevor seemed to be doing something on his phone..

So Hazel didn't said anything and saved his number has "Trevor Willson"

While Trevor had his eyes as bright as the stars..

He saved her number as "my babie" nodded in satisfaction and placed back his phone to his pocket and regained his usual cold aloof expression ..

"Ok bye have a good night" said Hazel and turned around to leave..

Trevor grabbed her hand

Hazel looked at the wrist which was being holded by Trevor..looked up at him and raised her eyebrows..

Seeing her looking at him Trevor's heart started racing again ..

'f**k' he murmured on his breath

"Little girls shouldn't go out alone late at night let me drop you" he said

"I can go by myself" said Hazel

"No" said Trevor

Hazel was going to reject him but looking at his determined look she knew he was going to argue anyway..

What kind of puppy is this she thought

She looked at him and agreed

Trevor eyes lit up at the thought of being with his baby girl for a little more

"Let's go" he said and walked out of the room

Hazel followed him out..

As soon as they came out Robert bowed to him then and followed them as well..

They soon reached to their car..

Trevor again opened the door for Hazel as earlier and only got in himself when he made sure that she was sitting comfortably

"To the Jacksons" he said to the chauffeur

The car roared and went on the way to Jacksons villa

Trevor was very happy to be with his babie and Robert got shiver down his body when he saw his Boss's glinting eyes ...

The car arrived at the Jackson residence after half an hour...

Hazel got out of the car...and left..

Trevor looked at Hazel unless she got in the villa ... after she got inside ,Trevor's car also disappeared in the dark soon

However Lee seemed to see the scene of Hazel getting out of a very Branded car that even they couldn't afford...

He also seemed to notice the shadow of a man inside the car ...

His eyes darkened instantly


As soon as Hazel came in the house Hazel came running towards her

"Hazel you are finally back..mommy was worried about you why didn't you pick your call" Megan asked

Hazel took out her phone to look and indeed their were 15 missed calls from Megan in last half an hour.

She remembered she put her phone in silence when she went the the four seasons hotel ...

"My phone was silent" she said calmly

"Thank god sweet heart you are fine .. inform me next time when you are going to late" said Megan lovingly

Hazel nodded

"By the way where and with whom you were"? Megan thought as a mother she needed to know her daughter's whereabouts..

"I went for dinner with my friend"

Megan thought she might have made friends in school and went on dinner with them so she didn't asked any further questions...

At this moment Lee came down and looked at Hazel..and he had heard the conversation between Hazel and his mother...

His heart seemed to be relived when he heard that it was just Hazel's friend...

He didn't know why he felt so but than a thought hit his mind

He was probably in love with her

Hello guys sorry for uploading late ...I started watching sweet home and it got me really into it..BTW vote, comment and share

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