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Soon Lara's face turned ugly she could see Hazel scribbling many codes on the computer...

But she still had some hope that she couldn't retrieve the video..after all she had given so much money to the hacker to destroy the CCTV footage...

After writing codes for few more minutes Hazel turned the computer towards the principal..

The principal didn't believe Hazel could retrive the footage so he was going to call the computer science teacher..

But a faint sound came from the other side

"Here" she said with a calm expression...

The principal and all other comitee members leaned forward ... Soon the expression on their faces turned into astonishment ..later the expression changed into confusion and soon it was replaced with anger..

The principal looked at Lara with anger in his eyes..

This gave Lara a chill down her spine...

"I didn't expect you to do this" said principal to Lara looking at her with frown on his forehead..

Lara shook her head scaredly

"N-No Impossible..I-I didn't do this is edited video.."

Suddenly their were murmurs and huss outside the principal's office..

"No way! how could she do that"? Someone said in a low voice...

The principal and the comitee members were also frowning..

Hazel had calm expression on her face, as if she didn't really care about anything..

On the other side at the Sky garden Villa, Trevor was looking at all the drama being unfolded in his computer screen, with amusement and affection in his eyes...He almost went to the St.Paul's when he heard Hazel was being framed ...

Robert was also looking with amazement in his eyes..He had never thought that Trevor would even hack the CCTV cameras of St.Paul's for Hazel..and what amused him more was Hazel could retrieve the destroyed video..but According the information he dug out about Hazel..she was just a country side orphan who was good at studying..he didn't find anything about her knowing computer stuffs or why she was at the auction the other day..

The more he thought about Hazel the more mysterious she semmed to be..He didn't know if she could harm Trevor but what he knew was she isn't an ordinary eighteen year old girl..

While he was deep in his thoughts he heard the girl speak so he looked at the computer screen ..

"T-this..I-I" Lara couldn't frame a sentence at all.. infact she couldn't speak at all..

She was thinking of an excuse but under everyone's eyes she got nervous and couldn't speak at all..

But soon her eyes shone

"It was a prank" she said as if it really was..

"Prank"? Said almost everyone in unison..

"Yes" said Lara..Hazel also looked at her..

"Yes..Hazel is my sister and she doesn't seems to like me I wanted to prank her and make our relationship closer..I asked one of my friends to get me a packet of glocouse and when I got the packet..I thought it was glocouse and put it in Hazel's bag but I didn't expect it to be drugs ..I was going to say it was a prank but no body let me speak" Lara said..

Hearing this the principal frowned.. thinking back Lara really seemed to be defending Hazel after all she did said that Hazel was from country side and she couldn't have any drugs and than they didn't let her speak..

Principal looked at Hazel was also listening to what Lara said.. Hearing what she said she squinted her the same time she heard Lara's voice

"Sister I- I am really sorry ..I caused you harm I just wanted to prank you ..I wanted to be close with you"

For others this was a perfect excuse with no loopholes at all.. but Hazel knew very well that it was just a well made she just looked at Lara but their was coldness in her eyes..

This gave Lara another chill she had never seen this cold eyes and strong aura..she felt inferior infront of Hazel..

On the other side Trevor's eyes were cold as well ..while Robert scoffed

"What a lame excuse" he said

Trevor said nothing and smirked..

" My baby is so cute" he thought and ofcourse didn't said it out loud but maintained a cold expression..

Hello everyone I am sorry for not uploading for almost a week it was a festival season and I got busy..and please forgive me in advance if I didn't upload any chapters regularly in future my college entrance examination is coming soon and I gotta study ~

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