The first day at school

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"Here we are" said Liam

Hazel looked outside and saw a big building...The building had red roof ..It was almost as big as a palace..It was beautiful and had good environment..It was located in the centre of the city..

Hazel got out of the car and so did Lara

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Hazel got out of the car and so did Lara ..they bid farewell to Liam and started walking towards the big school...

"Welcome to our school Hazel everyone here are from reputed and big families so don't offend them it's not the same kind of school as in the country side" said Lara arrogantly...

Hazel ignored her and walked inside the school gate calmly..Lara scoffed and followed her ...

As soon as Hazel got in the school gate..all the eyes turned towards her... everyone was stunned by the beauty they saw ...she had cold and had a mysterious aura..Many students wanted to go and talk to her but they didn't dare to...

Seeing everyone's attention focused towards Hazel.. Lara clenched her fist so tight that her nails almost broke..

"Hazel let's go to the class" said Lara..

Hazel didn't said anything and worked towards her class room...

By the time they arrived in their class the news of Hazel had been already out and many people had dug out her information about her being the adoptive daughter of the Jacksons...

Hazel got Inside the class room though everyone had seen her photos earlier in the school forum.. they still couldn't get off their eyes off of Hazel...

Lara walked towards her seat besides her friend Emily

Hazel looked around the class and for some reason everyone held their breath..

Then Hazel calmly walked towards the seat near the window side ..she sat on the empty seat and placed her bag on the seat..soon the school bell rang ...

The class teacher Hailee soon came in the class ..she stood at the centre and said..

"Class today we have a new student in our class Hazel Jackson" she said looking at Hazel...

Their was suddenly a new student in the middle of the session so Hailee didn't know if she was going to have a hard time with Hazel and when she heard she was from country side she broke out in cold sweat..but as a teacher she didn't had any choice but to accept the new student..she took it as a challange and was determined to win the challange...

Hailee treated all her students equally and Hazel was not an exception..this nature of her made students in the school like her very much..

"Hazel come and introduce yourself" she said looking at Hailee

Hazel looked at her and she walked to the centre of the class calmly

"Hello I am Hazel" she said ... calmly and went to her seat without waiting for anybody's response ...

Hailee was stunned...

'It's going to be hard' she thought

Ok everyone will help Hazel with her studies..

"Hazel I am your English teacher if you have any problems don't hesitate to ask me" said Hailee

Hazel nodded ...

"Ok class everyone turn to page no 18 chapter 3 we are starting a new chapter 'journey to the end of the earth' from the book Vistas" she said and started teaching..

Everyone were silent as she taught everyone listened to her intendly she was indded a good teacher..Hazel as well was focused and noted down occasional notes..

Hailee was very satisfied with Hazel .. "A book can't be judged by its cover" is indeed right she thought'

The bell rang after 50 minutes..

Hailee ended her class and left with stack of note Books on her hand..

Second was the math class since the math teacher mister James was on leave so it turned into a self study class...

Hazel was reading a Book which wasn't a normal High school Book it was a book on morse code..

Suddenly someone tapped her shoulders from behind..she turned around and saw two was a girl with chubby cheeks and had a baby face ..the other had curly hair which looked pretty good on her..

"Hello I am sekina" said the baby faced girl

"And I am Ticha" said the curly haired girl...

Hazel looked at them for a while ..she had a feeling that they were good people and their was no harm with them so she introduced herself ...

"You know you are really pretty ..I have never seen someone as pretty as you, you are prettier than the models" said Ticha

"Yes yes you are really pretty" said Sekina

"Thank you" said Hazel and resumed reading..

The pic above is the school where Hazel studies it's the real Saint Paul's located in Darjeeling .. (◔‿◔)

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