Computer God

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^Morning at Jackson residence^

Hazel woke up at 6 o'clock as usual ...She changed into a tank top and a yoga pant..After changing she went out ..took the protein shake from the kitchen as usual and went to the garden to work out... soon an another figure came out to work out at the garden as well ...It was Arthur..He was wearing a causal T-shirt and and a track which made him look more youthful and less cold..when Arthur saw Hazel walking out he was stunned for a good while...Than he walked towards her he looked at her for a while and asked

"How long have you been here"?

"5 minutes" she replied without looking at him

"Is this your usual schedule?" He asked

"Yes" she answered..

After hearing this Arthur seemed to be in a deep thought but he didn't say anything to her and started working out as well...

"By the way who taught you martial arts"? He asked

"I learnt it myself" she said calmly

Thinking about what happened yesterday he didn't know if he should trust her or not..but he didn't ask anything to her any more , he was going to get the information through his assistant anyway... he thought!!

Then they worked out together ...

Arthur looked at her from time to the look of it looked like she had been doing this from a long time and she seemed even better than him..This aroused his suspecion more...

After walking out for good 2 hours they both went to their own room ...Hazel took 2 hours to bath and get ready as usual and went down stairs ...

She greeted everyone simultaneously.. and everyone had breakfast in great harmony..It had been a long time since servants saw Megan this happy

After breakfast Ferris went to office as usual ...Liam had nothing to do today so he stayed at home and started playing games

"Hmm it's been a while since Brigitta played a game" said Liam

"Who's Brigitta?" Asked Lee

"Brigitta is a game player and the top hacker she's even known as the computer god" said Arthur...

"Someone has been trying to hack the company for a long time ..Dad wanted her to come and strengthen the company's system but bringing a star to earth seems easier than contacting Brigitta" Arthur sighed

Lee, Megan and Hazel just listened to their conversation silently..Hazel had a sly smile one her face

"Mom,Liam, elder brother ,sister I have completed the painting would you like to have a look?" Lee asked

"Yes" said Liam and Megan in unison

Hazel and Arthur just nodded at Lee

Lee lead them to his studio.. their were lot of paintings each painting better than other..Hazel had been here for the first time so she observed every painting with her keen eyes...

There was a big canvas on the centre of the room which was covered with a royal blue piece of cloth....

Lee took off the soon as he took off the cloth everyone saw their was an eye-catching painting under it...It was so beautiful that everyone gasped except Hazel ..

"How is it"? Asked Lee looking at everyone nervously

"Lee my son it's beautiful ....I never realised that my son has grown so much that he can make such a beautiful painting ..I am sure that master April will surely acknowledge your painting this time" said Megan with Misty eyes..

Liam also shouted excitedly

"Wowww brother this is the best creation of your I have seen in 21 years of my life.. it's amaaazinggg" he said

"It's beautiful" the always cold and aloof Arthur said it as well...

Lee was smiling happily than he looked at Hazel..he saw Hazel was observing the painting very seriously as if she does it often..

"Hazel how's my painting do you like it"?asked Lee nervously..he didn't know what made him so nervous asking this question to Hazel..

Hazel finished looking at the painting and looked at Lee calmly

When Hazel looked at Lee ..He got more nervous

Hazel calmly asked

"Why did you use the oil colour instead of water colour for the lights?"

Lee was stunned by the question he thought no one would notice it but Hazel did...he got nervous on how to answer her wether she will like the answer or not..

"I-it is be- because" it was the first time he had lost his calm and elegant expression.

Konochiwa Minna san~
It was my first day at school today after almost 2 years of was fun and I realised how much I missed my school in this it makes me sad that there's only few months left for me to graduate from high school..but it makes me excited as well...

I Love you and I am proud of you


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