As if she was looking at a joker

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"Oh hello.. Lara Jackson here" she emphasized the word "Jackson" as if saying I am the real Jackson the real and the only daughter of the Jacksons

"Hazel" said Hazel with calm expression but her eyes were bit cold  ..she had a feeling that Lara is going to create troubles for her and her intuitions are never wrong.

"Brother Lee was talking about Master April just now you know she's such a great painter she has painted so many great and breath taking paintings and her paintings have such a great messages and she's really mysterious how old do you think she is. She must be in her mid fifties" said Lara excitedly she acted very sweetly infront of Hazel as if she eats dessert every morning...

Hazel didn't say anything and just looked at her calmly as if she was looking at a joker ..

Seeing Hazel didn't say anything Lara thought she was embarrassed that's why she was keeping quiet

"Oh I am sorry I almost forgot you were born in the country side how could you know about what's going on in the world I am sorry if I made you feel bad " said lara sadly but she was smiling in her eyes

"Don't worry I'll teach you everything after all I am your cousin and was raised in the Jacksons you are also now part of Jackson family said Lara again she tried to be sweet but she was trying to ridicule Hazel in every way possible  ..

"Ohh thank you very much Lara please help Hazel with her studies as well she was a good student back then she will definitely come on the track soon and she is going to join your school soon help her to make friends as well " said Megan excitedly as she thought Lara was just trying to help her daughter..

"Of course aunty after all we are sisters" said Lara smiling and looking at Hazel ..

"Hazel try to get along with your sister" said Megan looking at Hazel

Hazel just nodded and said nothing.

Liam and Lee looked at each other and  shrugged their shoulders ..

"Hey little sister aren't you going to meet your friend later at the evening ? , Let's go out together .. I'll give you a tour of the city"
Said Liam ..Lee also nodded agreeing to his brother

Seeing her cousin brothers totally ignoring her existence Lara scoffed in her heart and cursed Hazel for that

"Okay Brother please wait for a minute" said Hazel and went upstairs.

Soon she came down carrying a small backpack she was wearing a jeans and a shirt which looked causal and outgoing  but gorgeous on Hazel without any efforts put by Her..

"Let's go said Lee"

Hazel and Liam followed Lee after saying goodbye to their mother..

Megan let a sigh and lead Lara inside..

Lara was dissatisfied by the behaviour of her cousin brothers and had already thought of ideas on how to insult Hazel on first day of her school thinking of this her face turned evil..


"Brothers I have asked my friend to get me you can go and do your work I don't want to disturb you" said Hazel

Liam wanted to refuse but Lee held him back

Liam wanted to ask Lee why ?

But he didn't say anything at that moment

"Ok" said Liam hesitantly

"But next time you have to go out with us don't refuse me than." Said Liam pouting his lips like a baby

Hazel nodded smiling at her brothers

Lee and Liam left in the same car ..

"Why did you stopped me second brother?" Asked Liam to Lee

"She might have some personal matters we shouldn't disturb her privacy and it might be very awkward for her to have a family all of a sudden so she might have wanted to stay spend her time with her friends people she knows and share her feelings with them we are still strangers to her after all  ..and Lara seem to have bad intentions about her we need to keep an eye on her" said Lee calmly

"Woahh second brother you are really kind and intelligent " said Liam excitedly

Lee just smiled and said nothing ..He had a kind of light in his eyes

^Back at the Villa^

Soon a black rolls Royce arrived at the gate of villa when Hazel saw the car she unhurriedly went to the car opened the door and sat on the passenger seat .. Inside the car was a really handsome man sitting ..when he saw Hazel his eyes lit up ....

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