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Meanwhile the voice came from the behind of Hazel

So everyone looked back at the same time and so did the teachers and the Principal standing on the stage

What they saw shocked everyone ...that everyone were in pin drop silence..

It was Sekina who broke the silence

"Ahhhhhh" she screamed and held Ticha's hand ..Ticha was surprised as well

Hazel also turned around and looked at the familiar boxy smile on the person's face calmly ..

"No wayyy Ticha pinch me , am I dreaming, am I dreaming?" Sekina said excitedly

Ticha pinched Sekina

"Oh my god it's true , It's true!! It really is Ryan !"

"Ticha it really is Ryan"

(Ryan: The idol whom Ticha and Sekina talks about everyday non stop.)

"She didn't even said sorry to Hazel nor did she apologized to the school she instead blaming everything back on Hazel , can't believe the students and the teachers of the most prestigious school are being manipulatd by a little girl "

Ryan again voiced out with a husky clear and pleasant voice maintaing the sly smile on his face .

Then did everyone came back to their senses and looked at Lara with mocking eyes

Looking at everyone's moking eyes Tears gathered in Lara's eyes her hatred for Hazel grew even more

*This bitch she even seduced Ryan to take her side , I'll soon expose this slut to everyone *

Lara thought

Lara looked at Ryan and said with a choking voice.

"R Ryan I - I didn't meant that I - I just wanted to help my sister ..I - I know she is a good person I..."

"Oh common just apologize and end this matter here " Ryan said with slight irritation in his voice

"Yes" Sekina and Ticha voiced out together

Everyone looked at Lara

When Lara saw everyone's gaze on her

She voiced out with tears in her eyes

"I am sorry to the school and my sister Hazel for pulling up a prank that could harm the reputation of school as well as my sister , I assure everyone that this won't happen again if the action is repeated I am willing to accept any kind of punishment" she said and looked at the principal

"It's okay it's okay it was just a prank don't do it again"

Principal said with a smile satisfied by Lara's apology

Then Lara looked at Hazel with her red teary eyes

Everyone else also looked at Hazel

There were hushes and murmurs in the air

Hazel gave a boring look and sly smile to Lara and opened her mouth

"I don't accept your apology"

Hazel said

Everyone around her were shocked

Ticha Sekina and Ryan gave a thumbs up to Hazel

*Fuckin bitch*

Lara cursed in her heart

Then ran away with tears ..

Principal helplessly spoke on the mic

"Continue the assembly"

After the assembly everyone were talking about the incident that happened earlier in the assembly

Some thought Hazel was heartless and arrogant while other thought Hazel was right to do so because the simple prank could not only ruin her reputation but it could also destroy her future

But the most common topic today was Ryan

The Visual and the main vocalist of the most trending boy band right now was in their school the Saint Paul's ?and he even spoke for Hazel?

Do they know each other?

Or was Ryan just attracted to Hazel..

And that's how Hazel and Ryan got shipped by some

Hazel became the enemy of few crazy fans

And Ryan?Not only did he became enemy of Hazel's suitors.. Poor boy didn't even knew the kind of storm he would have to tackel in the coming future ..

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