Fetching honey

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Niall didn't gave up and squeezed in the passenger seat to sit with Ryan and Hazel
This mad Hazel sit in between two boys

Niall spoke up with a cold tone looking at Ryan with annyoed gaze "why are you here haven't you already completed your highschool ?"

"I am here to meet my bestfriend what's with you? , and since I am Hazel's best friend shouldn't you be as respectful to me as you you are with Hazel?" Ryan said

"Hazel has never one said that you are her bestfriend , and even if you were you can never compare to her Hazel is Hazel and you are you" Niall rebuked

Hazel who was in the middle of these two young master calmly put on her earpods..

Looking at Hazel's action both of the young masters were ashamed and kept quiet

A moment later Niall spoke up

"Hazel , should we have a dinner together it's been a long time since we met"

John who was sitting in co-pilot seat silently thought *It was just a week ago young master*

Hazel looked at Niall and then at Ryan

"He can follow us" said Niall

*She's wearing earpods she can't possibly hear me when we reach the hotel I'll deny that I ever agreed to bring that donkey along* Niall thought

"Okay since we all are having our dinner outside let's head to the four seasons "

"Eay you can hear me?" Niall asked confused

"I just put on the ear pods I wasn't listening to anything" Hazel replied

To which Niall was stunned while Ryan broke out laughing

"Since we are going outside let me inform at home" she said and took out her phone to call Megan

After informing Megan about her whereabouts they all left toward the Four seasons.

After a while they were at the gate of  the hotel four seasons

By now manager of the hotel had gotten used to seeing Hazel coming to their hotel frequently ..

He looked at the trio

"Eahh isn't that the idol Ryan with young master Niall and Miss Hazel?"

He said to his colleague

"Yes I think so"

The colleague replied

"Though he looks gentle and playful on the surface it is said that he's absolutely unapprochable" the manager said

"Yes , but how do you know all this?" Asked his colleague

"Ohh my daughter stans him" manager replied

"Looks like miss Hazel has a wide range of connections , she's frequently seen with the young masters and now this unapprochable Idol" the colleague said

"Yeah , we can't afford to offend her , common lets go we have to serve them they are our special and frequent guests" the manager said and  followed

In the private room Hazel Ryan and Niall looked upto the menu and ordered the dishes according to their likes . While they chatted for a while

Niall asked "say Ryan won't that big baddy find out about Hazel's whereabouts if you are here."

"No don't worry that old man won't sell me or Hazel to that devil" replied Ryan

At the same time Niall and Ryan could feel Hazel's chilly glare , they got a cold feet by Hazel's icy glare

"Ea- Eahh Ha-Hazel are you going to kill us?" Niall said

Ryan got a chill down his spine

Hazel looked at them with a smile which was creepy asf

"Say Niall how about I send you to fetch some honey ? and Ryan how about I give out your personal phone number to your fans" ?

Fe Fetching honey? , It would have been good if it was just fetching honey normally , but Hazel's method of fetching honey was not as simple as that.

Niall immediately spoke

"N- No Hazel please don't do that I- I have 20% shares of the four seasons I'll give you the 10% pl-please don't send me to fetch honey"

"I don't need it however next time you better shut your mouth or speak respectfully about him" Hazel said to Niall and looked at Ryan

"Ha-Haze please don't do this to me I Swear I won't call him names in future pl-please"

Hazel just looked at him and snorted

Both Ryan and Niall heaved a sigh of  relief

Well only a chapter today because (it's emberassing to tell the reason) anyway I'll make up next time till then like share and comment (◍•ᴗ•◍)💜

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