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Soon the comitee members arrived at the principal's office with Hazel...

Principal was already informed about finding drugs in of the student's bag...so when he saw Hazel he frowned..he obviously recognised Hazel as the adopted daughter of the Jacksons as Jacksons were one of the biggest contributor of the school..so when he saw Hazel he paled a little...

"You have to answer us honestly student Hazel" said the Principal

"I would like to stay silent till any evidence is found" said Hazel with calm indifferent expression..

Seeing Hazel not cooperating with the principal and the comitee Lara and Emily rejoiced in their heart ..they were excited for the upcoming drama..

"The drugs was found in your bag..what do you want more for an evidence..said the comitee head

Hearing this Hazel squinted her eyes.. "just because you found it in my bag doesn't mean I am the culprit..I could have been framed" said Hazel...

Hearing this the comitee members and the principal frowned a little...

At this point lara stood out and said..

"Sister is right ..she is just from the country side she probably don't have any ideas about drugs there is no way that she brought drugs to earn money after all my uncle aunt and brothers loves her so much it must just be a misunderstanding isn't it sister" said Lara

Lara was obviously trying to act sweet and pretended to save her sister..but her words aroused the suspicion more ...

Hearing what Lara said Hazel smiled and said...

"Ofcourse I am from countryside..I don't know anything about drugs... How can I even think of selling those..it must be a misunderstanding" she said with a smirk in her face...

Hearing what Hazel said Lara's face sank..

Why isn't she afraid why is she so calm ..did she found out something.? impossible she's too dumb to know anything she's just a country bumpkin after all..

"Yes sister" said Lara without any change of expression in her face...

"Let's check the CCTV camera" suggested a student from behind ..

Hearing this all the students as well as the principal and the comitee members nodded ..

Hazel had a calm expression and Lara wasn't afraid at all..she was confident in the hacker who she had asked to remove the CCTV footage from..

Soon everyone gathered around the Cctv..but to everyone's surprise..they found nothing and ..which lead to the conclusion that Hazel had brought the drugs before entering the school..

Lara was assumed by the Hacker as well.. because the time when she was placing the drugs in Hazel's bag was replaced by a footage of an empty class room

Everyone looked at Hazel..

Hazel still had a calm expression...

"Tell us what's going on?" Said the school's principal ...

"I don't know" said Hazel she still had the calm expression on jer face..

"Then why do you have this packet of cocaine in your bag"? Asked the head of the comitee..

"How can we believe you"? Asked the head...

"Then how can you believe I brought the drugs? And I am not stupid to hide drugs in my school bag" said Hazel confidently...

"But you don't have any prove that the drugs aren't your " said the school principal..

"Neither do you" said Hazel in a cold voice..

Hearing her cold voice Principal was stunned ..he didn't know why..but he thought it was just his imagination ..so he looked at Hazel and sigh..

"Can you prove yourself?" said the principal

Hazel smiled..and sat infront of the computer..

Seeing that she sat infront of the computer everyone were stunned ..so the Principal asked her

"What are you doing"?

"Retrive the real computer footage, the computer footage from 11:30 to 11:45 is fake" said Hazel..

Everyone gasped at what she said...

"No way does she knows computers" a wishper came from somewhere..

Lara was still calm..

There's no way this country bumpkin can know computers she's just trying to act cool..she will have to apologize and leave the Jacksons ...serves her right..

Lara thought...

Hello everyone I am uploading only one chapter today because I am in a bad health since a long time..btw vote comment and.share..

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