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Trevor got up from his seat and walked out of his study.. seeing this his special assistant Robert.  Followed him as well ...

"Master where are we going" Robert asked ..He was really stunned by Trevor's sudden action as he had never left anything he started without finishing it specially things related to work and his office...

Trevor gave a smirk said nothing and just kept walking..and soon got in his car followed by his assistant..

Robert waited for his master's order.. "to the st.paul's" Trevor said

He wasn't surprised by his master's order so he drove right after ...

Back at the school last class was coming to an end...

Everyone had already packed their bags and waiting for class to end ASAP

Soon the bell rang and everyone got up hastily to leave the class... and so did Ticha and Sekina

Hazel on the other hand was calm and collected ..she packed her bag calmly got up and decided to leave with Ticha and Sekina..

Sekina and Ticha were chit chatting while Hazel was walking silently and listening to their chats..they seemed to be chatting about some boy band that they liked and were discussing about one of the member's birthday that was approaching ..they were talking like they were the momies of that certain 'idol' Hazel found it amusing but didn't say anything and just listened to them mommying..

While they were talking Hazel saw a black car from the corner of her eyes which seemed rather familiar ..she raised her eyebrows.. Sekina and Ticha didn't seem to notice so they kept on walking and talking..
After a few seconds Sekina seemed to realise so she stopped and looked behind..and so did Ticha

Hazel looked at them and bid them farewell and walked towards the direction of the car instead..

Sekina and Ticha didn't think much and started with their mommying again..

Soon Hazel arrived at the place where the car was parked..

A man about 40 years old got out from the car and escorted Hazel in..after getting in the car..

The man asked " hotel four seasons"?

Hazel nodded..

"Drive" the man said to the driver..

The driver did as ordered and soon the car drove away from there ..

Trevor on the other hand had seen everything that happened in those mere seconds ..he was just a bit late to arrive at the school..this was the first time in his life that he was late .. right when he arrived at the school he happened to see Hazel getting in the car.... seeing this scene Trevor's face turned ghastly black

Looking at his master's dark face Robert was drenched in sweat..

Trevor got in his car and yelled at the driver to follow the car in which Hazel was in..

It took them no time to catch up to that Man's car ...

In the car the man looked at Hazel and spoke out

"Gosh Hazel I've been looking for you the whole world and here you are .. what the hell are you doing in City ' y ' and why are you studying in the st.paul's it isn't even the top 50 in the wait why the hell are you even studying.. on top of that you are studying in a high school ? Hazel did you ate something wrong?"

The original cold and unapprochable dominor of him at the school gate was completely gone ...

Hazel looked at him and snorted..

" still are the didn't eat anything wrong? Well how can you anyway..what the hell are you doing here?"

Hazel looked at him and said

"I was adopted by the Jackson family of the city ' y '

The mouth of the man was agape ...

"What in the name of the bigfoot did you just say?" He asked Hazel

"I am now the daughter of the Jacksons so they sent me to the best school of the city  'y'" Hazel said again smiling

The man was shocked to the core by what Hazel said..

"But you...."

The man stopped .. suddenly he didn't had any words to say..

At the same time Hazel noticed someone following their car..but looking at the familiar car she sat their calmly as usual

"It's safer here" Hazel said..

The man said nothing and then they soon arrived at the hotel..

They got out of the car and so did Trevor..

Looking at the man Hazel was with.. Trevor was stunned..and so was his assistant..

"I.. isn't  that man the .."

Hellow I love you and I am proud of you
Btw don't forget to vote comment and share xoxo (◍•ᴗ•◍)💜

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