Best student

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Seeing all the drama being unfold infront of her eyes Emily decided to support Lara ..

She came forward and said

"Y- Yes principal, Lara was indeed trying to prank Hazel..she also mentioned this to me yesterday that she wanted to get closer to Hazel so she would prank her and mend their relationship after all they are sisters and it is normal for sisters to prank eachother"

Lara gave a grate full glance to Emily and looked at the principal..the students outside also seemed to be enjoying the drama..

Hazel did nothing and just looked at Emily and Lara with bored gaze.. nothing seems to effect her.

Hearing this Principal's frowned eyebrows eased a little for him it seemed to make sense after all Lara indeed was a good student and never got into any kind of troubles till date..she was instead one of the best students he knew.

Principal took a glance at Hazel and saw that she doesn't even seemed to care at it was related to her.. principal didn't know how to solve the matter he didn't dare to offend the Jacksons and here the both of them were the daughters of the Jacksons.

So he looked at Lara with cold eyes and said with a stern voice..

"That's your personal problems don't bring it to school and ruin the reputation of school as you are one of the best students of the school I won't give you any svere punishment but you have to apologize to Hazel and the school infront of tomorrow's school assembly for causing troubles at school because of your personal problems.."

He looked at the students and other people present around and said with a cold voice

"Don't let this matter get out of the school"

The students and other people outside said nothing but it was a confirmation that the matter won't go out of the school..

Lara broke out in cold sweat.. she never thought that things would turn out this way..

'It should have been Hazel ..why is it me?
This bitch how did she retrieve the CCTV video?..' the hatred in Lara's eyes for Hazel grew more .. I will return this humiliation ten folds to you Hazel 'she thought

But for now she had to admit the defeat

"Ye -yes principal I'll apologize to Hazel and the school tomorrow infront of the assembly " she said with her head lowered

The principal was satisfied with Lara's answer

So he nodded in satisfaction

Seeing the principal nodding Lara was satisfied

'its fine as long as she won't go to jail and her family won't know about it' she thought..

Seeing that everyone seemed to agree with his decision the principal soon dismissed the students and the comitee members from the principal's office

Hazel also got up to leave but the principal stopped her

"Hazel I hope you won't mention this small matter to your family" he said with longing eyes..

He didn't dare to offend the Jacksons he didn't want to make a slightest bit of mistake of offending the Jacksons he wasn't worried about Lara after all she was at fault ..

Hazel lifted up her head and looked at the principal with her cold eyes..

Looking at Hazel's cold eyes the principal broke out in cold sweat..

'why is her eyes and aura so cold' the principal thought

Hazel said nothing nodded and went out of the principal's office

When she came out she saw Ticha and Sekina waiting for her ..

Seeing Hazel coming out both of their eyes lit up and they followed Hazel.

"Hazel lara is such a bi**h she must have been jealous of you! so she planned all that to trouble you but she got into the trouble should stay away from her"
Said Ticha, Sekina nodded along side

Hazel said nothing and just smiled...

On the other side Trevor had his lips hooked up..

"My babie girl seems more interesting than I thought " he thought..

The special assistant of Trevor also seemed stunned by Hazel's calmness and awesomeness..

By now he was sure that Hazel was the 'perfect match' for his boss..

Heyy everyone wish me luck.. it's my mathematics exam soon ..I regret choosing mathematics as my optional (╯︵╰,).. anyway love you guys and I am proud of you..(◍•ᴗ•◍)❤

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