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When Trevor started reading the document..He frowned and then he was excited and then eventually his expression turned into amusement..

The document mentioned that Hazel had graduated from Desert sand high school at a very young age of even mentioned that she was one of the most excellent students..With highest grades..she was compatible to he himself...

Soon his phone seemed to be a message from the Desert Sand high... earlier he used to ignore the messages from the school but today he checked it and was again surprised by the contents of the messages...

The message read "We the desert sand high school has finally managed to recruit the previous excellent student of our school Hazel as one of the staff members/Teachers though she has some conditions which are similar to young master... Trevor's that won't harm any of us"

Trevor was surprised and excited as well so he opened to what's app group of the Desert sand High school and saw the familiar number added to the group..

"Please welcome Hazel" said the Principal..

Everyone in the group quickly typed the message of welcoming Hazel and telling how happy and proud they were of Hazel ..

At this moment Trevor also sent a string of letters saying

"Welcome miss Hazel"

Everyone else in the group were shocked the hell out of their dear lives..

Wait !,did young master Trevor really sent a text ..this was awesome he was a silent member of the group... Everyone even thought that he was never added to the group..but now to their shock..he actually sent a text and that too of welcoming Hazel?

What shocked them even more was.. was the reply Hazel gave

"Thank you mr Trevor"

What the actual bird!?

She didn't even replied to them..

not like they minded..

As Hazel's previous teachers they knew Hazel very well she won't get involved in unnecessary things let alone reply in a what's app group.

Just as they were recovering from their great shock..they were again blown by another text sent by Trevor which read..

"What a coincidence miss Hazel we are colleague now"

"Yes things has gotten more interesting mr Trevor" Hazel replied

What the heck is happening?...

Did the sun rise from the west today?..Is the young master Trevor actually chatting on their what's app group and Ha..Hazel was replying.. Are they really the real Trevor and Hazel???..

"Seems like you guys already know each other" finally the principal said..

There was a long silence on the group..

Just as the group was about to explode

Two message pinged at the same time

Hazel: "Yes"

Trevor "she's my girlfriend"

What shocked the group was Trevor words...Ha..Hazel is Trevor girlfriend..?

But to think of it ..they are the perfect match for each other..

No one could replace them

Just then there was a text from Hazel clarifying

"We are acquaintances"

The group was silent once again..

What the actual f**k is going on here?!

Again there was a text from Trevor

"Atleast introduce me as your friend...well doesn't matter you'll soon end up as my girlfriend anyway"

This ...this text..this text made everyone in the group feel like they were in a parallel was going on?

Two most introverted Mysterious awesome intelligent dangerous and powerful people they had ever known were texting...?

Texting each other!?

And Texting like a damn Normal Human?

Wait..not only texting..they were for god's sake flirting!! ...

This was the miracle..they could have never imagined Hazel or Trevor being silly or falling in love ...the teachers knew the personalities of their previous students very well

This was equivalent to seeing all the seven wonders in the world for them or even better.. they felt like now they could die in peace...

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Today I am proud of myself 🥺👉👈
Btw feel free to point out my mistakes

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