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^At the Jackson residence^

Everyone had already had their breakfast and were getting ready to head back to their respective work..Megan had decided to head back to work with her husband Arthur hadn't came back yet ,Lee was getting ready to go back to studio,Liam and Hazel were getting ready to school and colleges..Lara didn't came today so they didn't wait for her as well..and soon everyone left the house one by one there were only butlers and servants left at the house...

Lee drove to st.paul's first..after reaching st.paul's Hazel bid goodbye to her brother and went in the school gate... Though this was the second day of her at school their were the same or even more number of stares at her...

Soon she arrived at her class room placed her bag in her seat ..Ticha and Sekina had already came to school earlier

"Hazel let's go out.. we'll give you a tour to our school" said Sekina

"Yes Hazel let's go out" said Ticha as well

Hazel looked at them and nodded ...

As soon as Hazel and her friends went out Lara came in.. seeing Hazel's bag and their was no one in the class she smirked...and took out the white packet from her bag...

Lara went to Hazel's seat looking around making sure their was no one after making sure there really wasn't anyone.. she put the white thing in Hazel's bag and smiled slyly.. after placing the white packet in Hazel's bag she called someone ...

"Remove Today's CCTV footage of our class I will transfer you the money" she said..

"On it" the person on the other end of the phone said..

Lara ended the call and smiled ..

Soon Emily entered the class.. though Emily was her best friend..she didn't trust anyone so she didn't tell anything to her and went out with her as if nothing happened...

Soon the school bell rang and everyone came back to their classes...

Hazel also went to her seat...

Miss Hailee started teaching... but suddenly a group of School committee came to the class ...

The Head of the committee spoke...

"We have got an information that some students are supplying drugs"

Hearing this everyone was stunned..and started murmuring and whispering soon the whisper turned into noise...

"Silence" said the head of the committee in an angry tone..

Soon the class turned into a pindrop silence..

Whoever it is please come out and surrender or if we find it ourself we will have no choice but to handle you to the police...

1 second~

2 second~

3 sceond~

Nobody stood out.. seeing this the comitee got frustrated..

"So none of you want to surrender" said the head...

No one spoke..

"Ok than we will check your bags everyone get out of the class" said the comitee head ...

Everyone went out of the class one by one and so did Hazel.. while everyone were nervous though they didn't do anything wrong Hazel had a calm expression...

Outside..few teachers and comitee members also checked the pockets of the students but found nothing...

The corridor was noisy because of students murmur and whisper...

"Who do you think..it might be " said Emily to Lara..

"Just wait and watch sid Lara with an evil'smile".. Emily was stunned but seemed to understand something and she smiled with Lara ...

"You are a genius lara" said Emily

"I know" said Lara and Flipped her hair

At the corner Ticha and Sekina were also talking...

"I don't think there's anyone like that in our class" said Ticha

"Yes I think it must be a misunderstanding" said Sekina...

Hazel didn't say anything and just listened to them...

Soon the head of the committee came out..and showed a bag

" Whose bag is this" said the head

Hazel eyes shrunked but she regained her expression..And she stepped out calmly..

Seeing Hazel step out all the other students were shocked ...

Sekina and Ticha looked at eachother

"Sir it might be a mistake" said Ticha..

"Yes sir" said sakina

"Your opinion isn't required" he said and than looked at Hazel..

"You follow us to the principal's office" he said to Hazel and went ahead..

Hazel followed him calmly...

As a teacher Hailee followed as well..

The students wanted to know what exactly happened so they forgot about the class and followed Hazel and miss Hailee..Lara smiled and so did Emily and went to join the fun...

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