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"It is because it looks more brighter and shinier which enhances the beauty of the painting more" said Lee Nervously ...

"Do you like it" asked Lee

Hazel took a second glance at the painting and said..

"It lacks the composition and the inspiration ...though you have a full range of value ,your proportions are correct and you have used the medium as a master but your composition is weak which makes your work weak as well.." said Hazel

Lee looked at Hazel with his clear eyes he knew Hazel was composition is mostly overlooked by everyone he thought it wasn't something important so he overlooked the composition part as well..but the inspiration..

" But I was inspired by Master April's painting 'The rainy winter' said Lee..

"It wasn't an inspiration it was more like is like you looked at master's April work and thought of making something like that.. but you couldn't make it and it turned out to be something different which you named as your own style.. Normal people might not notice it but the painters in higher level like Master April will notice it in a glimpse.. perhaps even if you had made an apple of your own inspiration and composition with the talent like your in painting you would have surely surpassed many great masters" Explained Hazel ..

Lee was stunned by what Hazel said.. whatever she said was true..He lacked the inspiration and the compositions in his paintings..Not many people would have noticed it..Lee felt like he was talking to a master of paintings Hazel was very detailed and professional when she explained about his flaws..

Arthur, Liam, and Megan couldn't understand what they were talking about ..but they were stunned by the fact that Hazel seemed to know so many things about paintings..It looked like she knew even more than Lee

Arthur was ofcourse very stunned ..the scene of him being almost choked by Hazel and Hazel knowing so much about paintings played infront of his eyes...He couldn't wait to find out the information about had been a long while since someone who can Pique his interest to this level had appeared..

Lee wanted to say few more things..but he couldn't utter a word..Lee was suspicious about Hazel too..How could an orphan girl from the country side know so many things.. Perhaps she looked at the internet?
But even if she is looked at the internet she was way too professional.. thought Lee

He didn't had the time to redraw a new painting and he didn't had the inspiration to work on new one either as he had overlooked the composition for years he was not good in compositions either..he had to submit the painting to his master soon who will give the painting to master April's assistant ...

Just when Lee was immersed in thoughts his phone rang ...He saw the name in the phone.. Regained his calm and composed persona and answered the phone respectfully

"Lee my boy have you completed the painting .. bring it here as soon as possible it is rumored that master April's assistant is at the City 'Y' he is a very busy person he might leave the city at any moment if you want your painting to be acknowledged by master April don't delay and bring the painting as soon as possible" said the person on the other side of the phone

Hearing what his master said Lee became inexplicably happy and forgot about Hazel ...

"Yes master" he said and hung up the call

After hanging up the call

Lee turned around and said excitedly

"Master April's assistant is rumored to be at the Y city my master has called me to the studio as soon as possible to give my painting to him I have to leave" said Lee
and took his painting he glanced at Hazel he had inexplicable feeling in his heart but he didn't say anything and left..

Soon everyone came out of the studio and resumed what they were doing Hazel walked back to her room as well..

Arthur glanced at Hazel with his keen eyes..
Soon he received a call..He saw the name of the caller and picked it up

"Sir the Information you asked to collect about miss Hazel is here"said the man

Hearing this Arthur got excited in his heart and said

"Ok wait for me at the hospital's office"he said with cold voice keeping the cold expression on his face

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