I am now Jackson

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"Oh my god Hazel you are finally here and oh my god you are now more beautiful what did you do to your skin and do you know how long I have been waiting for your return to the Y city you are finally back and are the Jacksons treating you well ?.tell me if they are not treating you well I'll make their life living hell though you don't need me you already are very capable but think of me as  your brother and tell me if you face any difficulties"as soon as Hazel got in the car the young master Naill Evans of the Evans family who is known to be ruthless and cold started talking as if world is going to end soon...

His secretary John shrugged his head and looked at him..He already knew that young master Niall really liked Hazel and he only talked with people he really likes...and the way he was talking to Hazel he knew that Young master Evans must like Hazel more than his own life ..

"Good morning miss Garrison " he said looking at Hazel

"I am now Jackson just call me Hazel " said Hazel expressionlessly

"Sorry miss Hazel" said John

The driver of the Evans almost crashed the car when he saw the young master acting in such way and seeing Niall being respectful to Hazel John was respectful to Hazel even more than he would be respectful to Niall

"Why did you bring your secretary along with you"? Asked Hazel

"Ohh that yes that we are going to an auction after all I might like something and want to buy it ..I can't manage my finance by my own so I brought him along he can help you as well he's really good in managing finance" said Niall and started talking again ..

John looked at Hazel and smiled nervously

Hazel didn't say anything

"Where do you want to go? have you had your breakfast? do you want me to buy it for you? or should we go somewhere else? oh no it's almost time for lunch let's go to the 4 seasons hotel I'll buy you lunch how about that tell me ,tell me?" Asked Niall

Hazel nodded

The car took a turn and went to the four seasons hotel

The manager of the hotel happily invited young master Evans but he didn't know who the girl with young master Niall was ..but seeing young master Niall and the girl together the manager thought that Hazel must be someone important as well as their had been no woman around young master Niall ...

He respectfully invited them in ..Niall had a platinum membership so he got one of the best private rooms of the four seasons hotel..

After ordering the dishes Niall started talking non stop again..

"Are you sure their is going to be the Jadiete at the auction today"

"Yes! Have I ever failed investigating anything?" Said Niall

"Who else is going to be their"? Asked Hazel

"Young master Trevor of the willsons ,Young master Leo of the Browns and young miss Scarlett of the Davis" said Niall seriously

"And....I want that Jadiete as well " said Niall hesitantly

Hazel looked at him

"No... don't get me wrong after all everyone is targeting after that thing ,even you... it must be a real good thing,so if me the young master of the Evans didn't bid on that thing it would be shameful for the Evans family I won't actually buy it I'll just pretend as if bidding on it ..how can I betray my life saver and even if I was seriously bidding on it I know I can't defeat you after all" said Niall nervously

"Okay" said Hazel and smiled slyly

Soon the dishes arrived

They had their dishes while talking with each other . Hazel also felt relaxed talking with Niall

After two hours they got out of the hotel

"So where do you want to go next"? Asked  Niall

"Take me to the Royal's Heaven" said Hazel smiling

Niall looked at Hazel for a while than took her to the Royal's Heaven

They soon arrived at the Royal's Heaven...

John came up to Niall and said something to him in his ears.. after hearing what he said Niall's face turned dark

"Something came up in the company I'll have to leave can you manage your self here alone"? asked Niall

"Yes" said Hazel without thinking ...

The sky's beautiful today
I am finally meeting my friends tomorrow ( ◜‿◝ )♡

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