The principal

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"I.. Isn't that the principal of the desert sand high school Lewis Frenchman?"

Robert said..he recieved the greatest shock of his life...

Trevor on the other hand was shocked as well but he remained calm on the surface..

Robert looked at Trevor to wait for his instructions..

Trevor got inside the car and so did Robert ..

The car drove back to the Sky villa..

"I want the names and details of all the students in recent five years of the desert sand school" said Trevor with a cold voice ..

Robert was drenched with cold sweat after hearing Trevor's voice..

*Back in the hotel*

Lewis and Hazel were sitting on the VIP room facing each other ..

"I am really glad that you finally decided to have a family"said Lewis

Hazel just smiled..

"Why were you looking for me"? Hazel asked..

"I just wanted to meet you" said Lewis

Hazel raised her eyebrows

"Okay Hazel..think about it .. what I said you the last will be the youngest teacher at one of the best schools in the whole world" said Lewis..

Hazel was going to reject him when she got cut off

"Please don't reject me without knowing the conditions ..I have been looking for you the whole world and when I finally found you I personally came to invite you" said Lewis

"I didn't asked you to" said Hazel

Lewis was randered speechless by what he heard for a moment..but he still didn't gave up..

"Hazel I know you hate troubles so I have coustmized these conditions just for you.. you don't have to come to the school and teach the students..we just want to recruit you as one of the staffs/ teachers of the school you just need to attend some meetings occassionally that's once in a blue moon and maybe make question papers during the final exams..and we will pay you in millions " he said..

Hazel wanted to reject but looking at Lewis expecting eyes ..she nodded her head

"One more profession without much trouble" what else could anyone hope for?

"Thank you Hazel I promise to fulfill all the conditions I have promised to you"Lewis jumped up in excitement..

Hazel just smiled and nodded..

After speaking for a long time the food was served.. they occassionally talked and took a long time to finish their food..

After finishing the food they left the hotel..Hazel wanted to Hail a cab but Lewis insisted on dropping her home..

So Hazel had no choice but to get in the car and leave with Lewis...

Soon the they arrived at the Jacksons residence..Hazel bid goodbye to Lewis and got in the house.. Lewis soon left as well..

In the Jacksons residence everyone's face instantly brightened after Hazel stepped inside the house..

"Ahh Hazel you are here...why were you late?"

Asked Megan

Everyone at the house looked at Hazel..

"I met an old acquintance after I went to have food with them" said Hazel..

Everyone nodded in unison..

"Ok go get freshen up and come and your dad wants to discuss about your coming off of age ceremony with you"

Hazel nodded and immediately haded towards her room..

Soon she got a call..

Looking at the caller ID she picked the call unhurriedly..

"Boss Mr Trevor is trying to get your information through the forums of Desert sand high school"
The voice came from the other side of the phone..

Hazel raised her eyebrows..

"Ok let him be" said Hazel..

And hung up the call...

*Sky villa*

Robert knocked on the door of Trevor's room ..

Soon the door opened with a click..

"Boss here is the list of students from the last five years of Desert sand high school"

Trevor recieved the paper and slammed the door on Robert's face

Hellow Minna san..I am sorry for not updating for a long eight years old brother died of brain cancer a few days back..and I still can't get out of the trauma.. anyways vote comment and share ..💜

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