Part 14

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D’ark, the real one, I mean the original one, not the Varangian, looked into the glass tank where they were keeping Fawh.

“Now then Fawh,” said the Dark Lord, “if you play along with us then we’ll let you go after we’re finished.

“What’s a werefinished? I’ve heard of a werewolf and a werebear but what’s a werefinished?”

“Until we are finished,” stressed D’ark.

“Go on then,” relented Fawh, “what do you want me to do?”


“Ooh not me,” interjected Vladimir.

“Why not you?” asked D’ark.

“I think it’s too risky.”

“Well I think it’s worth the risk, we could end up ruling all seven dimensions.”

“Explain it to him first, see if he can pull it off.”

“I don’t want to pull anything off,” thought Fawh, “when you pull bits off me it really confuses me. I ended up with three hands the last time someone pulled one off.”

“Poor dear,” sarcasmed D’ark, “now are you going to listen or what?”

“Or what?”

“Listen or else.”

“Else what?”

“I’ll send 10,000 volts through the tank and turn you into a liquid jelly.”

“Jello, I like the American Jello best.”

“Either or. Are you going to listen?”

“Go on then.”

“I want you to impersonate the Witch King then, once you have, you hand all power over to us and then we take over the plan to take over the other six dimensions.”

“The IPP will never let you do that, you could cause a catastrophic time event and make all of time collapse.”

“Oh, bother. Well we can still take over this dimension, the IPP don’t come here.”

“They will do if you start messing around with time travel.”

“Double bother,” he thought for a moment, “we’ll just have to do it without time travel.”

Vladimir piped up, “This reminds me a little of the Prisoner of Zenda.”

“I do like that film,” smiled D’ark.

“I could take on the form of Stewart Granger,” beamed Fawh as his face took the form of Stewart Granger, “as Rassendil.”

“No Fawh,” admonished D’ark, “the Witch King.” He turned to Vladimir as Fawh re-blobbified, “Maybe he’s not intelligent enough to consummate this plan.”

“If you remember ‘Ground Hog War’ when Fawh covered Arthur in a German outrider skin he grew more intelligent for a while.”

“I wasn’t in that one was I?”


“That’s why I never read it. Oh well, I suppose it’s worth a try.”

“In fact,” suggested Vladimir, “it might be worth him skinning you and taking the form of the Witch King so you can guide him through the plan, so to speak.”

“Why don’t you just do what the Witch King suggests?” suggested Fawh, “let him have the earths of the other six dimensions and you get the one in the fantasy dimension?”

D’ark and D’ark looked at each other.

“No,” said Lord D’ark, “that’s not as much fun.”

“It’s gone very dark in here,” commented Fawh as he slimed about in his glass tank.

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