Part 22

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The door burst open. Arthur and Biggs rolled in and pointed their stun pistols at…

“Hang on a minute Author,” droned Arthur, “where are we?”

“What do you mean?” asked I.

“I have no idea where we are. The last we knew we were in the comic convention paying for our disguises.”

“Does it matter?”

“Well it may not well to you, but it will do to the readers.”

“So you think they’ll be confused?”

“I am.”

“You always are,” said Sid.

“Oooooiiiii,” oied Arthur in a drawn out way.

“You sound like a fog horn.”

“So do you want a discussion about where you think Fawh is?” suggested I.

“It might be a bit funnier than this,” grumped Sid.

Immediately the set production elves took the walls away revealing a sparse gothic warehouse.

“You have stopped writing now haven’t you Author?” asked Biggs.

“No, just carry on, if it doesn’t work I’ll edit it later.”

A table and chairs were carried in by elves and the hotel walls took the place of the previous set.

“Reminds me of ‘Death of a Salesman’ when you see the walls of the set. You know, the one with Dustin Hoffman,” conjectured With.

“Stop conjecturing With,” reprimanded Sid, “it makes you sound more intelligent than you really are.”

With looked a bit red faced not knowing whether he was in character or not.

“Now then,” called a meeting Arthur, “I am calling this meeting to discuss what plan of action we need to take to rescue Fawh.”

“Can’t we just go to the palace and find him?” suggested Biggs.

“Well yes, we could…”

“Well let’s do that then.”

Arthur looked into the air, “I think the Author wants this bit a bit funnier,” he waited for a second to see if I would interject then carried on, “so each of you will have to suggest a method of gaining access to the palace that also incorporates humour.”

“Great,” chuntered Sid, “I suppose it’s up to me to come up with the funniest line.”

“When you call the clown school you get this,” said With.

“What?” questioned Sid.

“The funniest line.”

Sid shook his head, “That’s very uncharacteristic of you With, are you sure you’re not a shape changer sent to spy on us?”

With looked a little red faced again, “I have a right to be funny.”

“You may have a right to be funny,” thought Sid, “but that doesn’t mean you are.”

“Sid,” warned Arthur, “let With alone and come up with a funny suggestion.”


“Yes, we’ll let With come up with the final punch line.”

Sid puffed in anger, “It is part of my funny union character contract that I always have the funniest punch line.”

“I have seen your contract Sid and it does not say anything of the sort,” rebuffed Arthur.

“Fine,” spat Sid, “I think we should go in dressed as yoyos.”

“Why yoyos?”

“Then we could say we were yoyomen of the guard.”

Everyone started to laugh.

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