Chap. 6

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I turned around.

Yeah, I would get caught.

Only one voice talked but two bodies were standing at the door.

"Skye! You sounded great!" Fabien beamed and Uncle Vic agreed, "Did it feel good?" He asked, "And don't lie."

"Yeah, it did." I felt the natural tingle I always got whenever I played. I thought of my parents again. I couldn't bring myself to tell Fabien, so being the big baby that I am, I just cried.

"Skye," Fabien whispered, "C'mon Sis, don't cry."

I shook my head, and used the back of my hand to wipe my eyes. I sighed as I saw Fabien and Uncle Vic clearly again, "I miss them."

Tears began to pour again, when suddenly, four arms wrapped around me. Uncle slightly let go, "But Skye, didn't it feel good to play again?"

"I feel better than I have in a while." I admitted.

Fabien guffawed, "That's what I've been trying to say."

"Sorry." I laughed. We all let go of each other.

Fabien grinned, "Are you ready to show it to the school tomorrow?"

"Uh, no."

"Oh, c'mon! I heard Robinson is having their annual talent show in March. Didn't you say back in California that you wanted to audition for it?"

"That was back in California, when everything was still..." I looked down, "I just don't know. Please don't pressure this on me."

I walked out of the pool house, and left them behind.

This was all getting too much.

I ran back to my room and let my blanket cover my body. I think I know what can make me feel a little better, or at least more grounded.

I opened up my laptop and went on Skype.


Please answer.

After a few short minutes, her face popped up; however seeing her killed me.

"Skye!" She smiled, but it quickly ran away as she read my face, "What's wrong Hon?"

I knew I could never hide anything from her. I've known this girl for too long to even try, "I need you!" I sobbed, "I don't wanna be here anymore! I can't take it! I wanna go home!" I pleaded, "I miss you guys. You're the only ones that I have left. The only ones that can keep me grounded."

"You have Fabien." She said quickly trying to calm me down.

"I know I have him, but I don't wanna dump anymore problems on him." My sentence trailed.

"Oh Skye..." She wiped a tear away from her face.

Great, I made my best friend cry.

Good going, Skye.

"I miss you too. Everyone does, never think otherwise, but this is the way things are now." She sniffled.

She's right.

Exactly on point.

I just wish she wasn't.

"Things are going to get better." She assured me.

I shook my head at her attempt to make me better, "No. They're not."

I wiped my tears away and blew my nose. There was an echoed silence for a minute, until I read my clock, it was still pretty early, but I needed sleep, "I'm going to bed. G'night Erin. Tell the guys I said I love and miss 'em."

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