Chap. 11

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Sorry for the wait. School keeps getting in the way. Valentine's day is on it's way. You might as well spend it with the one you love, considering I'm lonely a'f... now if you'll excuse me, after I finish updating this chapter, I'm going to the pet store and buy myself a hairless cat. :/

I walked the halls to my locker and the two familiar faces that's helped me all this week were standing near my locker—same as always. It was really chilly outside, so as my temperature got used to the warmth, the frosted buds that nipped at my cheeks outside, began to defrost.

"Hey Skye!" Sarah greeted.


"How're you?" Lolo asked.

I shrugged, "I'm just glad it's Thursday. Just today, then tomorrow, then the weekend!" I boasted.

"It must've been a long week for you." Sarah said.

"Yes. I can't wait to get it over with."

"Well," Lolo took his phone out and gazed at it, "We have about, hm, I'd say twenty minutes or so, 'til first period. What should we do during the wait?" He asked.

"Dunno." Sarah said.

"Well, I mean, the only reason why I'm early, is because Fabien just wanted to get to school early. What are you two doing here early?"

"My parents kicked me outta the house, because I was moving slow this morning. They shoved my backpack in my arms and closed the door in my face." He grinned.

"That's a good thing?" I gaped.

"Yes." He said, and Sarah said, "No."


"So, this idiot went to my house, and bothered me and my family instead." She rolled her eyes at him, "He didn't hurry at his house, but then hurried me up in mine. Now, look where it got us. School hasn't even started yet."

"You love me anyway." Lolo said cheekily.

"Well..." She smirked.

"Watch it, Fuller." He pointed.

"Or what, Griffin?" She retaliated.

"Okay! You guys, don't kill each other now. Wait 'til after school. I still need the both of you during class." I laughed.

The both of them shook their heads as we awkwardly stood there, until, "I HAVE AN IDEA." Lolo yelled, startling both me and Sarah, "Let's hang out in the music room. Wolfe should be there by now."

"Sure." Sarah agreed, looking at me, "You up to it?"

I shrugged, "Anything to pass time."

"Forward to Music!" Lolo yelled. His voice carried in the semi-empty hall. The people that were there scampered from him, as if he was one stop short of crazy.

We reached the room, and Lolo was right. The door was unlocked and we entered the land of scattered music sheets.

"Mr. Wolfe!" Sarah called out.

When she did, there was a heavy clatter that happened inside the back closet, "Huh?! What?!" He called out.

"it's us!" She yelled back.

"Sarah?" He wondered out loud, trying to confirm it was her.

"Yeah! With Lolo and Skye!"

"Okay, I'll be out there in a minute!"

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