Chap. 14

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Here's my bitch slap.

I still have no words for what happened yesterday. It was completely random, and Sean and I were still in shock.

Crazy shit.

I was stepping on the gas, trying to make it in time for school. Fabien and I woke up late for some reason. I don't know about Fabien, but when I hit the snooze button, I ignored the second time it rang. When I finally woke up, I went a little mad trying to gather my thoughts and everything I needed for school.

I need a reminder to shower when I get home.

Which I hate doing.

I like showers in the morning.

My car skidded into the parking lot when we heard the bell rang. The lot was emptying of students quick. Fabien got out of my car and ran inside the building while I tried looking for a parking spot.


This is one of the reasons why I come early.

After circling around the damn lot for the third time, I found a spot. I quickly claimed it then ran out of my car, almost eating shit every time I put on foot in front of the other. Then, as I ran on the curb, my bag strap twisted around my shoulder, making it uncomfortable to haul.

I slipped it off but then all of my stuff fell out.

God just isn't on my side today.

I crouched down to pick them up. Then I heard a car coming down the lot. I got up and a nice car that I can get in like fifty years, if not more, slowly came to a stop in front of the school building. Five guys came out of the car, but I didn't have time to check them out. I ran inside the building, hauling my ass through the halls, hoping that my shoes wouldn't squeak that loud.

I ran to homeroom and the class was still rowdy. Uncle Pat was gathering his stuff to get ready for today's lecture.

Thank God.

I hadn't missed anything yet. I saw my spot still empty next to Sarah, and I all but ran into someone while getting to my seat. My breath was really heavy. I sat down and put my hair up in a ponytail to help me relax a little.

Sarah leaned in, "Hey, where were you?"

I shook my head, "Don't even ask."

"Why? Woke up on the wrong side of the bed?"

"More like overslept."

"Okay guys, settle down." Uncle Pat went up to the front of the classroom.

As everyone calmed down a cup clattered on the floor, spilling a brown liquid. The coffee splattered on Uncle Pat's shoes unfortunately.

The dude that accidently spilt it, stood up immediately, "Oh. Mr. Strause. I'm really sorry." He stammered, "I'll go get a mop."

Uncle Pat held up his hand to reassure him, "It's okay." He chuckled, "No harm, no foul."

"I'll go get a mop."

"No. Sit back down." Uncle Pat then looked at me, "Skye'll get it."

"Wha—I will?"

He nodded, "Yes you will. Either that, or I give you a detention slip for being late to my class."

I sighed, "I guess I will."

I scooted out of my seat as he wrote me a hall pass, "Thank you, Miss Brooks." He winked.

"Yeah, yeah." I muttered.

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