Hear Me Out pt. 2

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  • Dedicated to Nickole (my homegirl.)

Here ya go :)

Chap. 1

That whole first week of January was one of the longest weeks I've ever endured. However, after that week, Fabien and I were making the most of it. I was getting used to the curriculum, and the rest of the senior class didn't seem so bad. I made a few more acquaintances but my attention was still focused on my first friends that I've made. Sarah and Lolo helped my brother and I survive that month. We managed to adjust alright. Then the last week of January rolled in—i.e. we've been in Virginia for a month without dying.


"Skye!" Sarah called out as she stopped at our lockers before third period.

I was getting my next books out for my next class, "Yeah? What's happening?" I glared at her, "And where the hell were you this morning?"

She shrugged, "I overslept."

"And Lolo didn't come over to your house?"


"Why not?" They usually came to school together.

"He was running late too. He didn't have time to come over and thought that I left anyway after finding out he wasn't gonna come."

"Oh, gotcha. So, what happened?" I asked referring back to her earlier excitement.

"Okay, so I need your help with something."

"Which is?" I asked, closing my locker and turned my full attention to her.

"Lolo's birthday is in two days..."

I thought about the date on that day, "That's Thursday... the 31st?"

She nodded her head, "Yep, January 31st. I wanna throw him a surprise party. He's turning eighteen this year!"

"Cool! Yeah, for sure, what are you planning?"

"Okay, so his actual birthday—on Thursday—I'm gonna act like I forgot."

"Ah, typical, cliché plot twist to have him depressed for a surprise. Nice, nice. Continue." I joked.

"Exactly," She smirked, "Anyway, until his celebration on Saturday, he's gonna give a silent treatment because no one remembered. But I need your help planning the party."

"Ya know, usually, when someone wants someone else to help plan a party, she tells her like weeks or a few months before said party. Not a couple days." I pointed.

"Yeah, well, that's only if nothing is planned yet. I actually got started and accomplished everything else already." She smiled.

"Oh, well then. That changes things up a bit." I chuckled, "So, what do you have so far? And what else do we need?"

She dug in her bag and pulled out a long piece of paper, "Okay, so I invited who's who..."

"'Who's who', as in?"

"The people we actually like in this school."

"So, everyone except the trio."

"Yes, exactly. Mr. and Mrs. Griffin booked the hotel, it's gonna be held at the Quazi Plaza and Resort. I also booked the entertainment." She flashed a triumphant grin.

"Sweet! Who?!"

"My dad's tight with the manager of the R&B group, Ahmir."

"Ahmir as in America's Got Talent, Ahmir?"

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