Chap. 9

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This is to my country girl. ;) Cuz you got that One Thing!

Sarah and I walked in Mr. Strause's room and surprisingly enough, McKenzie, Zach, and Sean were all there; quite early, I might add.

Sarah and I sat down and I nudged her arm, "Hey, have we landed in an alternate universe?"

"I don't know."

"I thought those three liked to be late?"

She shrugged, "They come early every now and then."

"You are, you right? You're not some alien that swapped identities with the real Sarah?" I asked pointing the side of her forehead.

She laughed, "I should be asking that about you!"

Our little laugh fest quieted down when someone started playing One Direction. I think the title's called, "One Thing." However, whatever the title was, McKenzie was blasting the song on the speakers on her phone. She began singing along.

I now know that Sarah wasn't exaggerating when she said that McKenzie sang horribly. I gazed over at Sarah and she saw my unsure look. She nodded knowing that it was complete torture to endure. Mr. Strause walked in and once he heard McKenzie, he had the same stink face I did.

It was pretty funny but...

She kept singing, " keep making me weak, yeah, frozen and can't breathe..."

I thumped my elbows on my table and buried my face in my hands. Is there a way to block her out?


She kept going, " I'm climbing the walls, but you don't notice at all. That I'm going out of my mind..."

I'm going out of my mind too Sweetheart.

Students kept piling in and each of them automatically grew a stink face when they heard her sing. I feel bad... and then... I don't.

"Okay, class! Miss Simmons! Can you turn that off please and put it away." Mr. Strause ordered.

"Yes! Please! We can't take it anymore!" Someone said in the back, dramatically.

Everyone but McKenzie and her friends snickered, even Mr. Strause stole a chuckle. For the whole period, though, that damn song got stuck in my head.

Fucking aye, Simmons. I blame you.

I knew I had the song in my iPod, but Fabien had it. However, lucky for me, I knew where he was going second period. With almost an hour what that song in my head, the bell finally rang. I quickly got out of my seat and sprinted toward the door to meet up with Fabien before his next class.

"I'll see you at lunch!" I told Sarah as I sped.


I hauled my ass through the hallway, in search of the familiar looking backpack I saw every morning when I left the house. Treading through the sea of students, I saw his red Jansport backpack, only a few feet away.

"Fabien!" I yelled.

He jumped then turned around. He jogged toward me, "What wrong?"

"Quick, let me borrow the iPod."

"What for?"

"A song got stuck in my head." He reached into his backpack and handed it to me, "I'll give it back to you at lunch." I promised.

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