Chap. 16

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~Little Darlin' I feel that ice is slowly melting...~ The Beatles (Here Comes the Sun- The Abbey Road)

"So, what time are you guys coming over tomorrow?" I asked Sarah and Lolo.

"Dunno." Lolo looked at Sarah, "Probably around two-ish?"

"Mmkay." I shrugged.

"Alright. Well, we'll see you tomorrow!" Fabien said.

"Bye!" The two smiled.

Fabien and I got in my car and made our trip back home.


"So Dad and Mom grew up here?" He muttered.

"Yeah, surprised me too." I parked the car.


"Fabien?" I looked at him, before he got out.


"About today, this morning?"

"Skye," His voice deepened, pleading, "Please just let it go."

"You know I can't. I wanna know what's bugging you." I demanded.

He shook his head and put his hand on the door handle, "Skye, I'm telling you right now, you even try and figure out what's up, and it'll be a huge disappointment."

He abruptly opened the door, and got out. I followed suit as he began to walk up to the house, "Don't ignore this Fabien!" I ran after him and grabbed his wrist, when all of a sudden...

His sleeve slid down and show a bandage wrap, "What happened?!" My eyes bugged out at the sight of his slit wrists.

"Don't worry about it Skye." He yanked his arm back and slid his sleeve back up. He quickly walked to the house, trying to avoid any more questions.

Right, like I'm gonna let this go.

I went inside and Aunt Joce was in the living room.

"Hi Auntie." I greeted from the foyer.

"Skye." She smiled.

I walked through the threshold of the living room and scanned it, "Where's Uncle Vic?"

"Pool house."

"Oh, drums?"

"Yep." She said popping the P.

Right on cue, Uncle Vic slid the glass door, leading to the backyard open, "Hey guys." His teething smile showed.

I smiled back. He looked very pleased with himself.

"I still got it." He laughed as he cracked his knuckles.


He kissed Aunt Joce on the cheek and she blushed, then went up to me and kissed my forehead as a greeting. That small act of parental affection reminded me a bit of my parents. The two of them looked at each other like it was the first time they've met.

"Skye?" Aunt Joce called out, breaking me out from my trance.

"Aunt Joce?" I answered.

"What time are your friends coming over tomorrow?"

"They said around two."

"Do you think they'll be staying for dinner?"

"I don't know, but I'll ask when they come over."

She nodded in agreement.

I left the living room and headed up to my bedroom to get started on my homework. I took out all that I need from my bag and dumped it on my bed. I opened up my laptop and tapped on the iTunes icon on my desktop.

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